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He bitterly hated Margaret, whom he called "Queen Breechless," and by other satirical and insulting names. Finally he took the bold step to call himself king of Denmark and Norway, a baseless claim which he proposed to enforce.

It is necessary to distinguish accurately between Weonothland, which is probably Fuehnen, Funen, or Fionio, now called Fyen; and Weonodland or Winodland, afterwards Wendenland. Forst. Denmark obviously, called simply Dene, in the voyages of Ohthere. Probably Bornholm. Called Sueoland in the voyages of Ohthere, is assuredly Sweden, to which all these islands belong.

Sweden to-day is one of the peaceful kingdoms of the world, whose people are prosperous, well governed, and somewhat apart from the clash and turmoil of other states and nations. Even the secession of Norway, a few years ago, was accomplished without bloodshed, and now the two kingdoms exist side by side as free from strife as they are with Denmark, which once domineered and tyrannized over both.

It was a great victory, yet it brought Harold no advantage, for Sweyn did not keep to his compact if he had made one to surrender his throne, and the Danes hated Harold so thoroughly for his cruel raids on their land that they had no idea of submitting to him. Two years more passed on, and then Harold, finding that the conquest of Denmark was hopeless, consented against his will to make peace.

Lord Lyons was the British ambassador at Washington when the Prince of Wales now King Edward was betrothed to the Princess Alexandra, of Denmark, since queen regent of England. He used the most stilted, ornate, and diplomatic language to carry the simple fact. The President replied offhand with trenchant advice to the bearer, who was unmarried: "'Go, thou, and do likewise!"

The little commonwealths which had held so jealously aloof from each other were being drawn together whether they would or no. In each of the three regions of the north great kingdoms were growing up. In Sweden King Eric made himself lord of the petty states about him. In Denmark King Gorm built up in the same way a monarchy of the Danes. Norway itself was the first to become a single monarchy.

Let him inquire concerning the railways in Italy, Spain, France, Sweden, Denmark, how many of them are English projects, how many have been largely helped by English capital, how many have been executed by English contractors, how many have had English engineers.

Journey to Choisy The comtesse du Barry and Louis XV The king of Denmark The czar Peter Frederick II The abbe de la Chapelle An experiment New intrigues Secret agents-The comtesse and Louis XV Of the presentation Letter of the comtesse to the duc d'Aiguillon Reply Prince de Soubise

"Let me go, and I will ask nothing further of you. I will never trouble you again. Let me go! only let me go!" Canute of Denmark is not to be blamed that he stamped with exhausted patience. "Go into the hands of the Trolls!" he swore. And again, "In the Fiend's name!" And at last, "By the head of Odin, it would serve you well did I take you at your word!

Now, therefore, for the first time in this war, an imperial army appeared in Germany; an event which if it was menacing to the Protestants, was scarcely more acceptable to the Catholics. Wallenstein had orders to unite his army with the troops of the League, and in conjunction with the Bavarian general to attack the King of Denmark.