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Naturally these characteristics are best developed in the intrusives which cooled most slowly, i.e. in the deepest-seated and largest masses; while in those which cooled more rapidly, as in dikes and sheets, we find gradations approaching the texture of surface flows.

There you have in all its native deformity another monopolist instinct the deepest-seated of all, the grimmest, the most vindictive. "She is not yours," says the moral philosopher of the new dispensation; "she is her own; release her! The Turk hales his offending slave, sews her up in a sack, and casts her quick into the eddying Bosphorus.

His magnificent harangues touched Jackson in his deepest-seated and ruling feeling, love of country, and brought forth the response which always came from him when the country was in peril and a defender presented himself. He threw out the right hand of fellowship, treated Mr. Webster with marked distinction, commended him with public praise, and placed him on the roll of patriots.

But for a year or two, at any rate, this very change of treatment would necessitate the owner's continual supervision, and would not in the meanwhile produce any increase of income. To faire valoir the family acres had always, it appeared, been Raymond's deepest-seated purpose, and all his frivolities dropped from him with the prospect of putting his hand to the plough.

Apparently no one replaced him, for she never married, but grew stoutish, grayish, philanthropic yet how sweet she had been when he had first kissed her! One more wasted life, he reflected... But the stage had always been his master-passion. He would have sold his soul for the time and freedom to write plays! It was IN HIM he could not remember when it had not been his deepest-seated instinct.

I have tabooed her for life; let any other man touch her, let her look at any other man and knife, revolver, or law court, they shall both of them answer for it!" There you have in all its natural ugliness another Monopolist Instinct the deepest-seated of all, the vilest, the most barbaric. She is not yours: she is her own: unhand her!

Are we all little boys and girls, I ask you, that we are to put one another off with such transparent humbug? Here we have to deal with a primitive instinct the profoundest and deepest-seated instinct of humanity, save only the instincts of food and drink and of self-preservation. Man, like all other animals, has two main functions: to feed his own organism, and to reproduce his species.

The stronger his conviction, the better; indeed, deliberately choose his deepest-seated prejudice attack him in the very heart of what you regard as his error.

And apart from the involuntary and undeliberate adoption of Roman standards, which, living isolated from Jewish life in Rome, he could not escape, he had in writing, and no doubt in conversation, deliberately and consciously to assume the deepest-seated of the Roman prejudices towards his own people. Liberty has been defined as the power of a man to call his soul his own.

Apparently no one replaced him, for she never married, but grew stoutish, grayish, philanthropic yet how sweet she had been when he had first kissed her! One more wasted life, he reflected... But the stage had always been his master-passion. He would have sold his soul for the time and freedom to write plays! It was in him he could not remember when it had not been his deepest-seated instinct.