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It belongs to the ancient cyclus of Quetzalcoatl myths, and gives a brief relation of the destruction of Tollan and the departure and disappearance of the Light God, Quetzalcoatl Ce Acatl. The text of the poem is quite archaic, and presents many difficulties. But my translation, I think, gives the general sense correctly. 1. huapalcalli; literally, "the house constructed of beams."

A few words may be desirable on Schiller's religious standpoint, especially in connection with his philosophical letters. Schiller came up ten years later than Goethe, and concluded the cyclus of genius that Goethe had inaugurated.

The curtain falls upon their laments, and the triumphant entrance of the gods into their new home. In "The Valkyrie," properly the first part of the cyclus, the human drama begins. Strong races of men have come into existence, and Wotan's Valkyres watch over them, leading those who fall in battle to Walhalla, where, in the gods' companionship, they are to pass a glorious life.

"Pantalon," "Harlequin," "Columbine," and "Secrets" are infinitely better art than a dozen valse-caprices. Both the defects and effects of her qualities haunt Mrs. Beach' songs. When she is sparing in her erudition she is delightful. Fourteen of her songs are gathered into a "Cyclus." The first is an "Ariette," with an accompaniment imitating the guitar. It is both tender and graceful.

In tetl, in quahuitl; literally, "stone and stick;" a very common phrase in Nahautl, to signify misfortunes. In this song we have avowedly a specimen of an early chant prepared probably by Bishop Zummarraga for the native converts. The accompaniment on the teponaztli is marked at the beginning. Another song of the antique Quetzalcoatl cyclus.

A few words may be desirable on Schiller's religious standpoint, especially in connection with his philosophical letters. Schiller came up ten years later than Goethe, and concluded the cyclus of genius that Goethe had inaugurated.

"Tristan and Isolde" was commenced in 1857 and finished in 1859, during the period in which Wagner was engaged upon his colossal work, "The Ring of the Nibelung." As early as the middle of 1852 he had finished the four dramatic poems which comprise the cyclus of the latter, and during the next three years he finished the music to "Das Rheingold" and "Die Walküre."

Ever since I heard and saw Agnes Sorma in Liebele, I have admired the dramatic writings of Arthur Schnitzler, and, remember, that charming, withal sad, little play was written in 1895. I haven't seen all his works, but I have read many. The latest adapted into English for the American stage is the Anatol one-act cyclus , and his new play I witnessed at the Kleines Theatre, Berlin.

The four dramatic poems which constitute its cyclus were written as early as 1852, which will correct a very general impression that this colossal work was projected during the closing years of his life. On the contrary, it was the product of his prime.

The more carefully I meditate on this speculation, the better grounded it seems. The weather we are learning to know much more about than when the solitary Obermann penned his despondent dreams; but who shall predict the time when men will tell the truth? I now pass to the third great mythical cyclus, which I have called that of the Hierarchy of the Gods.