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Confronting the resplendent languid loafer, he silkily observed, as he placed his cutting-whip beneath his left arm and extended his white cotton-gloved right hand: "And how's the charming little Haddock, the fourpenny, common breakfast Haddock?"

To prowl round and round some magazine, store, or boundary-stone with his carbine at the "support," or to tramp up and down by the horse-lines, armed only with his cutting-whip; to stand in a sentry-box while the rain fell in sheets and there was no telling what the next flash of lightning might reveal that was what would send him to a lunatic's padded cell.

On one was her hunting-crop, a cutting-whip, and a pair of spurs; beneath them a boot-jack and three pairs of soft riding-boots in various stages of wear. In the corner stood a tandem-whip. Above the mantelpiece was one of the plates in which Cannibal had run the National, framing a photograph of the ugliest horse that ever won at Aintree and the biggest, to judge from the size of the plate.

"One of them in particular," she said, and there was an irritated ring in her voice, "has singled me out for attack, and given me in derision a name which he believes to be Mahometan, but which is really Jewish." And with her cutting-whip she viciously snapped off the heads of some poppies.

She was clad in a riding-habit of ruby brocaded velvet, with jacket to match, had a cloud of lace round her throat, and an Alpine hat with cock's feather poised on her well-set head. She might serve as the model for a Spanish Ann Chute. Bracelets on her plump wrists and rings on her taper fingers caught the sunshine as she occasionally twirled her cutting-whip.

Burker rode in that blank file and drilled so, throughout save that he would not dismount. Once, as the troop rode in column of sections, I fell to the rear and, coming up behind, struck with all my might at that slightly nebulous figure, with its faint vagueness of outline and hint of transparency. My heavy cutting-whip whistled and touched nothing. I was as one who beats the air.

Then the landlord's supple cutting-whip, wielded by a vigorous hand, wound round the tenderest part of his legs for at the critical instant Mr. Dunborough dragged him from the wall and with a gasping shriek of pain, pain such as he had not felt since boyhood, Mr. Thomasson leapt into the air.