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In about half a minute they came upstairs and they had a lot of the excelsior all damp, but not exactly wet, and I don't know how they got it that way, except I know there was bilge water down under the flooring. They're a lot of crackerjacks on signalling, I'll say that much for them.

In speaking of these visitors, the President afterwards jocularly referred to them as "those crackerjacks from Missouri." A formal address was presented, the principal point being that, as the Missouri Unionists had furnished many thousand recruits to the Federal Army, they had a right to look to the Government for soldiers to assist in protecting their families and their property.

"They would taste heavenly. I find I am quite hungry again." While the one cooked and the other ate, they told briefly what had happened to them in the days since their separation. "The Klondike was breakin' up," Shorty concluded his recital, "an' we just had to wait for open water. Two polin' boats, six other men you know 'em all, an' crackerjacks an' all kinds of outfit.

By keeping those who show their appreciation of it and firing those who don't, you get an office full of crackerjacks. While your men must feel all the time that they've got a boss who can see good work around a corner, they mustn't be allowed to forget that there's no private burying-ground on the premises for mistakes.

The man spat a mouthful of tobacco-juice into the white sand, and answered, "We use 'em in Alaska. They're modelled after the Yukon poling-boats, and you can bet your life they're crackerjacks. This creek'll be a snap alongside some of them Northern streams. Five hundred pounds in one of them boats, an' two men can snake it along in a way that'd surprise you."

Some of the folks is kinder down on 'er, but I ain't." She might have told Douglas more of her forlorn, little friend, but just then Mandy came to the bed, hugging a large, old-fashioned Bible, and Douglas helped to place the ponderous book before the invalid. "See, honey, dar dey is," the old woman said, pointing to the picture of Ruth and Naomi. "Them's crackerjacks, ain't they?"

She had taken a hand in a number of games after that. A fast yacht is a handy vessel south of the line, and some queer tales were told about the boat that had once shown her heels to the crackerjacks in the Solent. But I couldn't afford to be particular at that moment.