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"Faugh!" said Power, with scorn and disgust curling his lip and burning in his glance; "really, Jones, you're almost too mean and nasty to have any dealings with. I don't think we can do you the honour of convening you. You shall apologise to Smythe here and now, and that shall be enough for you." "What! do you hesitate?" said Franklin; "you don't know when you're well off.

It has been the uniform practice of each President to avoid, as far as possible, the convening of Congress in extraordinary session. It is an example which, under ordinary circumstances and in the absence of a public necessity, is to be commended.

It has been alleged and persistently maintained by the enemies of the Holy See, that Pius IX. sought only to promote his own importance by convening a General Council. Of this calumny the foregoing words, which so plainly and distinctly set forth the purposes of the council, afford an abundant refutation.

The task of convening the citizens for the trial of each offender became more difficult, as the citizens and the offenders continually multiplied; and the ready expedient was adopted of delegating the jurisdiction of the people to the ordinary magistrates, or to extraordinary inquisitors. In the first ages these questions were rare and occasional.

I think that it was at my suggestion that each of the committee was to write out his thoughts and bring the paper with him, so as to have a basis for arriving at a prompt conclusion. Kerr was made convener, and he was not long in convening us. Only Kerr and myself responded!

The Honorable Jeems Bee, of Texas, sitting in his committee-room half an hour before the convening of Congress, waiting for his negro familiar to compound a julep, was suddenly confronted by a small boy on crutches. "A letter!" exclaimed Mr. Bee, "with the frank of Reybold on it that Yankeest of Pennsylvania Whigs! Yer's familiarity! Wants me to appoint one U U U, what?"

Should there be a defensive war against foreign invasion, or should there be a suppression of internal rebellion, or to provide against extraordinary calamity, when it is impossible to issue writs for summoning the National Assembly, the Executive Department may adopt financial measures for the emergency, but it should request the recognition thereof by the House of Representatives within seven days after the convening of the next session of the National Assembly.

We should welcome the convening of a National assembly of recognized leaders of the people, representing all shades of political opinion of every caste, race and creed, to frame a constitution for Swaraj. In all the things that matter most we are with you. Surely you and we can co-operate in the service of India, in such matters for example as education.

To the object also of ecclesiastical power belongeth the assembling of synods, so far as they are spiritual assemblies proper to the church, and assembled in the Holy Ghost; for being so considered, the governors of churches, after the example of the apostles and presbyters, Acts xv., in a manifest danger of the church, ought to use their own right of meeting together and convening, that the churches endangered may be relieved and supported.

Zada saw his big fingers gathering convening, as it were, into a fist like a mace, and she was terrified for her man. She scrambled to her feet and caught Dyckman in the hall. "What are you going to do to Mr. Cheever?" Dyckman answered in the ironic slang, "I'm not going to do a thing to him." Zada's terror increased. "What harm has he ever done to you?" "I didn't say he had done me any harm."