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You call that a fidei commissum, don't you? he asked, turning to me. "The Count seemed to be entirely absorbed in his own thoughts. "'You shall have your money to-morrow, he said, 'have the diamonds in readiness, and he went. "'There goes one who looks to me to be as stupid as an honest man, Gobseck said coolly when the Count had gone. "'Say rather stupid as a man of passionate nature.

How else could such missions be kept secret at all? It would be a secretum commissum in any case; as the theologians would say. I can but repeat what I said in my letter to you; and, if you will think of it, you will see that it is not likely that any matter of importance would be entrusted to a young man of my age." That seemed to quiet him.

Mala fama. Maleficium, publice commissum. Apparitio daemonis in monte. Whereupon the most honourable central court cited about 20 auctores, whereof, howbeit, we remember but little. When Dom. Consul had read out this to my child, he once more lift up his voice and admonished her with many words to confess of her own free-will, for that the truth must now come to light.

Bewildered as I was among lawyers and knaves, my ambition still prompted me to proceed, and all things are possible to labour and perseverance; but my property was expended: and, at length, I could only obtain that the contested estates should be made a Fidei commissum, or put under trust; whereby, though they were protected from being the further prey of others, I did not inherit them as mine.

"I must go back very soon to town. I have been offered a piece of work; and even if I do not accept it, I must speak of it to them." "Them?" "Yes, my dear. I must say no more than that. It is secretum commissum as we say in Rome." "And to think that you were a Benedictine novice!" exclaimed Dolly.