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By this name of 'legends' the annual commemorations of the faith and patience of God's saints in persecution and death were originally called; these legends in this title which they bore proclaiming that they were worthy to be read, and from this worthiness deriving their name. An inquiry into the pedigree of 'dunce' lays open to us an important page in the intellectual history of Europe.

But the sacramentary of Senlis, the calendar of commemorations, and the list of bishops, all are silent as to this Bishop Lethardus. Let me note for future use that these places, Soissons and Senlis, were in Belgic Gaul, that part of the continent which was directly opposite to the south-eastern parts of Britain.

The second division consists of commemorations of saints in no wise connected with festivals of our Lord or with one another.

In the case of the Israelites, it is said that they brought out the brazen serpent, which Moses commanded to be kept in the ark for a memory, and offered before it. Dixon, in his 'History of the Church of England, states that it was the universal custom in the early period of the church to demand memories to be celebrated, and Spenser's tales refer to the commemorations by

All ecclesiastical fasts and feasts and other commemorations which did not affect the rights of property were left on their nominal days, such as the execution of Charles I. on January 30th and the restoration of Charles II. on May 29th. Rumball's he and Mr. Townsend did take us, and set the young Lords at one Mr.

At President Carnot's reception at the palace of the Elysee I also met several personages worth knowing, and among them, to my great satisfaction, Senator John Sherman. During this stay in Paris I took part in two commemorations.

Daily church services, frequent communions, memorials of our Christian calling continually presented to our notice, in crosses and way-side oratories; commemorations of holy men, of all times and countries; the doctrine of the communion of saints practically taught; religious orders, especially of women, of different kinds, and under different rules, delivered only from the snare and sin of perpetual vows; all these, most of which are of some efficacy for good, even in a corrupt church, belong no less to the true church, and would there be purely beneficial.

Centenary commemorations are common enough; but the commemoration of Nelson has a characteristic which distinguishes it from most, if not from all, others. In these days we forget soon. What place is still kept in our memories by even the most illustrious of those who have but recently left us?

The procession then held was one of the finest church commemorations in the south; it was followed by bishops, clergy, and the people of the neighbourhood, in immense numbers. Calas was an old man of sixty-four, and reduced to great weakness by a paralytic complaint. He and his family were all Protestants excepting one son, who had become a Catholic.

Now, one night in New York there are commemorations and libations by old comrades, and in the morning, Mounted Policeman O'Roon, unused to potent liquids another premise hazardous in fiction finds the earth bucking and bounding like a bronco, with no stirrup into which he may insert foot and save his honor and his badge. Noblesse oblige? Surely.