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As soon as he saw that Cleon had started from Eion, the Spartan general left his post in Cerdylium, and led his men back into Amphipolis. Here he made such a disposition of his forces as to give the place that peaceful and innocent appearance which deceived Cleon's unpractised eye.

"I do not love Cleon, but as an Athenian I would mourn if he were defeated; therefore I would not rejoice at his overthrow." "You hate Cleon, but you do not wish his overthrow." "On account of Athens no." "But except for that?" "Except for that, Cleon's overthrow would be a blessing for the State, for he has been unjust to Pericles, to Phidias, to all who have done anything great."

My gentle babe, Marina here, I must charge your charity with her. I leave her the infant of your care, beseeching you to give her princely training." And then turning to Cleon's wife, Dionysia, he said, "Good madam, make me blessed in your tare in bringing up my child." And she answered, "I have a child myself who shall not be more dear to my respect than yours, my lord."

On the day after the victory he and Demosthenes started with the prisoners for Athens, where they arrived within 20 days from the time of Cleon's departure. Altogether, this affair was one of the most favourable for the Athenians that had occurred during the war.

was thought likewise accomplished in the sending of that great fleet, being the greatest in strength, though not in number, of all that ever swam upon the sea. As for Cleon's dream, I think it was a jest. It was, that he was devoured of a long dragon; and it was expounded of a maker of sausages, that troubled him exceedingly.

As for Cleon's idea that in punishment the claims of justice and expediency can both be satisfied, facts do not confirm the possibility of such a combination.

This interjected remark of Anytos had crossed Cleon's prolix discourse, and a new hope glimmered before him. "And after Pericles?" he said. "Cleon, of course." "Why not? The man of the people for the people, but no philosophers nor actors. So, Pericles is sick, is he? Listen, Anytos? Who is Nicias?" "He is a grandee who believes in oracles." "Don't attack the oracles.

Cleon rushes out intending to inform the Upper House of their treasons; the sausage-seller hurries after him, his neck being well oiled with his own lard to make Cleon's slanders slip off. A splendid ode is sung in the meantime; it contains a half-comic account of Aristophanes' training in his art and a panegyric on the old spirit which made Athens great.

When he reached the top of the ascent, he called a halt, and took a leisurely survey of the wide sweep of country spread below him, to the north, the broad, marshy waters of Lake Cercynitis, from which the river issues just above the town, eastwards, the towering summit of Mount Pangaeus, and on the other side, just beneath his feet, the devoted city, which now seemed cowering, silent and deserted, as if conscious of Cleon's eagle glance.

The other party whom Paches had sent off as the prime movers in the rebellion, were upon Cleon's motion put to death by the Athenians, the number being rather more than a thousand. The Athenians also demolished the walls of the Mitylenians, and took possession of their ships.