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When He would -Strong of heart and steady-minded Step on the gallows -stept he on the lofty gallows; Fore all Mankind fearless spite that crowd of faces; Mindfast, fearless -free and save man's tribes he would there. Bow me durst I not -Bever'd I and shook when that baron claspt me . . . . . . . . . but dar'd I not to bow me earthward . . . . . . . . . -Rood was I reared now.

The old woman had claspt her arms round him to tear him back; he struggled fiercely, hurled himself along with her over the railing, and they both fell almost lifeless at the feet of the relations who had been staring in dumb horrour at the bloody scene.

Betwixt them they led the sweet little child, crying and clinging imploringly to the fair maiden, who lookt not down upon it. The child lifted up and claspt its little beseeching hands, and stroakt the pale neck and cheeks of the marble beauty. But she held it fast by the hair, and in the other hand a silver basin.

I was fixin myself up to attend the great war meetin', when my daughter entered with a young man who was evijently from the city, and who wore long hair, and had a wild expression into his eye. In one hand he carried a port-folio, and his other paw claspt a bunch of small brushes. My daughter introduced him as MR. SWEIBIER, the distinguished landscape painter from Philadelphy.

She wep and sighed until I thought she would bust. She even claspt my hand in her's, and said, "O Charles! is he very, very miserable?" "He is, ma'am," says I; "very miserable indeed nobody, upon my honor, could be miserablerer." On hearing this pethetic remark, her mind was made up at onst: and sitting down to her eskrewtaw, she immediantly ableaged master with an answer.

Outside again my thoughts were oddly turned to the nature of my expedition by two figures in the road an unhappy-looking couple, evidently 'belonging to each other, the young woman with babe at breast, trudging together side by side 'One was a girl with a babe that throve, Her ruin and her bliss; One was a youth with a lawless love, Who claspt it the more for this.