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And I can't," said Maggie, "speak of him." "You 'can't' ?" "I can't." She said it as for definite notice, not to be repeated. "There are too many things," she nevertheless added. "He's too great." The Prince looked at his cigar-tip, and then as he put back the weed: "Too great for whom?" Upon which as she hesitated, "Not, my dear, too great for you," he declared. "For me oh, as much as you like."

Haskett, in the background, held his ground mildly, examining his cigar-tip now and then, and stepping forward at the right moment to knock its ashes into the fire. The footman at last withdrew, and Varick immediately began: "If I could just say half a word to you about this business " "Certainly," stammered Waythorn; "in the dining-room "

"Then I don't see who's to interfere," said Flamel, studying his cigar-tip. Glennard had turned his unseeing stare on an ecstatic Saint Catherine framed in tarnished gilding. "It's just this way," he began again, with an effort.

She takes from her bosom a package, and hands it to him; by the glow of the red cigar-tip Jane sees her. "It is all I have all I can get, jewels and all," she says; "enough to keep you for years with care. Now go, and never come back your coming has done evil enough, surely." Jane Pool catches the words the man mutters some sullen, inaudible reply.

And I can't," said Maggie, "speak of him." "You 'can't' ?" "I can't." She said it as for definite notice, not to be repeated. "There are too many things," she nevertheless added. "He's too great." The Prince looked at his cigar-tip, and then as he put back the weed: "Too great for whom?" Upon which as she hesitated, "Not, my dear, too great for you," he declared. "For me oh, as much as you like."

Scremerston took the reins on the homeward way, the Earl being rather fatigued; and, after dinner, two white robes flitted ghost-like on the lawn, and the light which burned red beside one of them was the cigar-tip of Scremerston.

The chauffeur, coat flung aside, sleeves rolled up, was hard at work overhauling his engine, with an obvious view to efficiency upon the morrow. Up at the window I could see the glowing cigar-tip move now to this side, now to that. Not for an instant was Van Blarcom allowing me to escape from sight.