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This is of larger growth than D. rosea, with strongly reticulated leaves, that are prominently veined on the under sides, and much larger, almost white flowers. It is a distinct and worthy species. There are some beautiful varieties of this species, named Isolinae, Van Houttei, and Striata. China, 1844.

During its existence the two powers, England and Japan, are pledged to use all endeavours for maintaining not only peace in the East, but also the independence and integrity of China.

In Santa Cruz market-place at Manilla, between the hours of six and eight in the morning and evening, an immense crowd collect to supply their household wants, and innumerable are the articles displayed in the shops; here the cochineal of Java, there the sago of Borneo, or the earthenware of China.

"I'll never sit down in your house again! What do you think I am? A snivelling, cringing dog that has to lick your hand for—" "Now, now!" admonished the old man, without anger. "If you will not sit down, at least be kind enough to stand still. I can't understand half you say while you are stamping around like that. This isn't a china shop. Control yourself.

You may live to see a war between England and half the rest of the world, and see England get the best of it. It has happened once or twice before." On another occasion we were talking about Russia, when Hishidi remarked "Russia wants China." "Russia wants everything," said I. "Ah, that is what they say of you," replied he. I once asked him what he thought of the torpedo.

Of all the "five ports," Amoy appears to have the least foreign trade, and notwithstanding its contiguity to the region of China, in which its principal article of export is produced, enjoys but little commerce.

If we can get the Longworths into this, even for a small amount, I am certain that we shall have very little trouble in floating the company. 'Well, all I can say is, my mission to the Longworths was a failure. Have you looked over the papers? 'Oh yes, and that reminds me. The point on which the whole scheme turns is the availability of the mineral for the making of china, isn't it?

Within the last hundred years, stories about China and Bantam, which ought not to have imposed on an old nurse, were gravely laid down as foundations of political theories by eminent philosophers. What the time of the Crusades is to us, the generation of Croesus and Solon was to the Greeks of the time of Herodotus. Babylon was to them what Pekin was to the French academicians of the last century.

It was certainly the case the little china figure lay over on its side, broken in the manner already described. "Who can have done it?" "I expect I must have upset it the other evening when I was showing you the things," answered Miss Fenleigh. "Never mind, I think I can mend it. Go and fetch my keys, Bar, and we'll see just what's the matter with the little gentleman."

As soon as you get tired of doing this, and put them into the hands of the trustiest servants, some good, well-meaning creature is sure to break her heart and your own and your very pet darling china pitcher all in one and the same minute, and then her frantic despair leaves you not even the relief of scolding."