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Crochard, surnamed Bagnolet, got off with twenty years; and the two Chevassats escaped with ten years' solitary confinement. The trial of Thomas Elgin, which came on during the same term, revealed a system of swindling which was so strikingly bold and daring, that it appeared at first sight almost incredible.

I, for my part, did not show; and the Chevassats are far from suspecting that I had any thing to do with the whole affair. Ah! It will soon be our turn, and if you will only accept my suggestions, madam" It was past nine o'clock when the old dealer, his sister, and Henrietta sat down to their modest meal.

He was so seriously disturbed, although generally very calm and cool, that the two Chevassats were thoroughly frightened. "An accident!" exclaimed the woman; "that was all that was wanting. But pray, what has happened, dear M. Ravinet?" "How do I know? This very moment, as I was just coming out of my room, I thought I heard the death-rattle of a dying person. It was in the fifth story.

The two Chevassats, husband and wife, have caught themselves by keeping the four thousand francs you sent to Miss Henrietta. We have them safe, the wretches! The hour of vengeance has come at last." Henrietta did not let him conclude: she interrupted him, saying, "And my father, sir, my father?" "M. Champcey will save him, madam." Daniel had risen, deeply moved, and now asked, "What am I to do?"

The two Chevassats shrugged their shoulders, and said it would be absurd if they should trouble themselves about public opinion, as long as their consciences were clear, and they owed nobody anything.

"When I go back, I shall tell the two Chevassats a little story, which will frighten them, so that they will advise Brevan never to appear there, except at night, as he formerly did." Thereupon he bowed to Henrietta, and went away with the words, "To-morrow we will consult with each other."

He conducted himself there just badly enough to be perpetually on the brink of being sent away, without ever being really expelled. This made but little impression upon the two Chevassats. They had become so accustomed to look upon their son as a superior being, that it never entered their mind to think he was not the first, the best, and the most remarkable pupil of the establishment.

But he had received orders to add the horror of his persecutions to the horror of your isolation and your destitution. "For he was quite sure, the scoundrel! that the secret of your sufferings would be well kept. He had carefully chosen the house in which you were to die of hunger and misery. The two Chevassats were bound to be his devoted accomplices, even unto death.