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Ronan's was too much of an open-faced proposition; it seemed more like an arena than a conference-room. Dow and the waiting gentlemen of Marion showed that they were frankly interested in the Governor's outbreak. Right then there were new arrivals. The Senator hastily made himself solitaire manager of that particular chess-game and ordered moves: "Lana, wait with Coventry in the car.

Such was this "Young Chevalier" when France took it into her head to make a pawn of him in the political chess-game with England. As a man he was beneath contempt; as a "King" well, he was a Roi pour rire; but at least the Royal House he represented might be made a useful weapon against the arrogant Hanoverian who sat on his father's throne.

It was plain to be seen from his manner that the chess-game was forgotten. Leverage was a policeman first and a chess-player second a very poor second. His voice, surcharged with interest, cracked out into the room. "Spill the dope, O'Leary!" The night desk sergeant needed no further bidding. In a few graphic words he outlined his telephone conversation with Spike Walters.

The proud Grandee still lingers in his perfumed saloons, or reposes within damask curtains; Wretchedness cowers into buckle-beds, or shivers hunger-stricken into its lair of straw: in obscure cellars, Rouge-et-Noir languidly emits its voice-of-destiny to haggard hungry Villains; while Councillors of State sit plotting, and playing their high chess-game, whereof the pawns are Men.

"But, hey, young man, who are you that would seem to know my daughter so well?" demands the lady in middle life, and she rose majestically from her chess-game. Florian stared, as he well might. "Your daughter, madame! But certainly you are not Dame Melicent." At this the old, old woman raised her nodding head. "Dame Melicent? And was it I you were seeking, sir?"

The play of Imagination, with the sensuous objects of Nature for symbols and Faith with Love and Pride as the unseen impetus and moving-power of all, make up the curious chess-game of a poem. Common teachers or critics are always asking "What does it mean?" Symphony of fine musician, or sunset, or sea-waves rolling up the beach what do they mean?