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What we, Monsieur Dorsenne and I, desire," he continued in a severe voice, "is this: Count Gorka has gravely insulted Monsieur Chapron. Let me finish," he added upon a simultaneous gesture on the part of Ardea and of Hafner. "Yes, sirs, Monsieur Chapron, known to us all for his perfect courtesy, must have been very gravely insulted, even to make the improper gesture of which you just spoke.

But it is an idea!.... Do you know the Marquis de Montfanon?" he asked Florent. "He with one arm?" replied the latter. "I saw him once with reference to a monument I put up at Saint Louis des Francais." "He told me of it," said Dorsenne. "For one of your relatives, was it not?" "Oh, a distant cousin," replied Florent; "one Captain Chapron, killed in 'forty-nine in the trenches before Rome."

The step was an enormous undertaking, and would have appeared so to any one but Julien, who knew that the relations between Florent Chapron and Lincoln Maitland were of a very exceptional nature.

We claim that there was only on the part of Monsieur Chapron a scarcely indicated gesture, which he himself restrained. In consequence you attribute to Monsieur Gorka the quality of the insulted party; you are over-hasty. He is merely the plaintiff, up to this time. It is very different." "But by rights he is the insulted party," interrupted Ardea.

That was one probability more in favor of his discretion. Dorsenne would surely maintain silence with regard to a meeting in connection with which, if it were known, the cause of the contest would surely be mentioned. It was only too clear that Gorka and Chapron had no real reason to quarrel and fight a duel.

And that dining-room through that door, with all the silver on the table, would you not think a fete had been prepared?" "Baron," said Madame Gorka, "look at this material; it is of the eighteenth century, is it not?" "Baron," asked Madame Maitland, "is this cup with the lid old Vienna or Capadimonte?" "Baron," said Florent Chapron, "is this armor of Florentine or Milanese workmanship?"

The following morning, toward noon, she found herself at the atelier, seated beside Madame Steno, while Lincoln gave to the portrait the last touches, and while Alba posed in the large armchair, absent and pale as usual. Florent Chapron, after having assisted at part of the sitting, left the room, leaning upon the crutch, which he still used.

That was one probability more in favor of his discretion. Dorsenne would surely maintain silence with regard to a meeting in connection with which, if it were known, the cause of the contest would surely be mentioned. It was only too clear that Gorka and Chapron had no real reason to quarrel and fight a duel.

She could not bear to see her brother embrace her father without casting herself between them, nor could she see him amuse himself with other comrades. Had Napoleon Chapron been interested in the study of character as deeply as he was in his cotton and his sugarcane, he would have perceived, with affright, the early traces of a sinful nature.

Before bringing Monsieur Chapron to me you will repeat to him what I have said, word for word." "Word for word," replied the other, adding: "He is at home awaiting the result of my undertaking." "Then," said the Marquis, "I will return to Rome with you at once.