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Over the brow of the next ridge straggled the cavvy, tails and manes whipping in the gale, the nighthawk swearing so that his voice came booming down to camp. Truly, the day opened inauspiciously enough for almost any dire ending.

As he slept beside Weary, his guilt was certain and his punishment, Weary promised himself, would be sure. Then they went out and faced the clean-washed prairie land, filled their lungs to the bottom with sweet, wine-like air, and asked one another why in the dickens the night-hawk wasn't on hand with the cavvy, so they could get ready to start.

The first faint glimmer of gray dawn had begun to lighten the sky when he reached the watershed of Piceance. It had been seventeen hours since he had tasted water and that had been as a chaser after a large drink of whiskey. He was thirsty, and he hastened his pace to reach the creek. Moving down the slope, he pulled up abruptly. He had run into a cavvy grazing on the hill.

"Jake Houck," Bob whispered to Dud. "Who's boss of this outfit?" the big man demanded of Blister after he had swung from the saddle. "Harshaw. You'll find him over there with the cavvy." Houck straddled across to the remuda. "Lookin' for men to fight the Utes?" he asked brusquely of the owner of the Slash Lazy D brand. "Yes, sir."

"Well, I guess your troubles are about over, cully I can hear 'em coming." Pink picked up his rope and started for the horse corral as the belated cavvy came jingling around the nose of the nearest hill. The Happy Family brightened perceptibly; after all, they could be at the picnic by noon if they hurried.

Happy never waited to discover what the new cook was saying, or whether he was following or remaining at the tent. He headed straight for the protection of the horse-wrangler, who watched his cavvy not far away, and his face was the color of stale putty. The horse-wrangler saw him coming and came loping up to meet him. "What's eating yuh, Happy?" he inquired inelegantly. "Jakie he's gone nutty!