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"Are you afraid that the Carlists should pay you a visit," I demanded, "that you take so much precaution?" "It is not the Carlists we are afraid of," replied the porter; "they have been here already, and did us no damage whatever.

All of the passengers, myself included, were robbed; but, mark you, while the natives were permitted to go away in safety, these English ladies, mind you, as well as gentlemen were detained by the Carlists.

The paramount, nay, the only, interest was not in the words of Christ; but the probable doings of the Carlists.

Amidst this confusion, a whole battalion of Carlists, the third of Castile, formed originally of Christino prisoners, finding themselves about to be charged by a battalion of the guard, reversed their muskets, and shouting "Viva Isabel!" ranged themselves under the banners to which they had formerly belonged, taking with them as prisoners such of their officers as did not choose to follow their example.

I will applaud from my soul those who have the good fortune to face the fire, and I shall consider those Carlists as serving my cause who embark in war against the United States. But if everything leads me to fear that the policy of humiliation will again prevail, we will snatch the reins of government from those who are unworthy to hold them and we will occupy their places.

But after all, it was a nothing a mere nothing, gentlemen, I assure you. Any one of you could have done the same." Every one in the room was delighted, not less with the captain's gallantry than with his modesty. Many moving stories of his escapes were retailed. Mulberry in one of the marches of the Carlists, to whom he had attached himself, was surprised and taken prisoner by the enemy.

Such a proceeding is directly opposite to the Will of God." "She will be a good claimant after all this scandal with the Carlists and de Hausée," said I. "I can imagine the welcome extended to her by Bismarck! We have seen enough of this kind of thing in France and Spain." We talked for an hour. He was as obstinate as a mule and as incoherent as running water. I could grasp him nowhere.

Just imagine; there is not a Liberal in the town; there are nothing but Carlists and Integrists." "And what has that to do with living contented?" she asked mockingly. The woman was enchanting; I looked at her, a bit amazed to find her so merry and so coquettish; and she put several questions to me about my life and my ideas, with a tinge of irony.

It knows of savage and merciless battles between the partisans of Don Carlos and those of Queen Isabella so few decades since as not to be the stuff of mere pathos yet, and I am not able to blink the fact that my beloved Basques fought on the wrong side, when they need not have fought at all. Why they were Carlists they could perhaps no more say than I could.

It seemed at first by no means improbable that the Carlists would have to beat a retreat, or at any rate wait the arrival of infantry, which it was not improbable Merino might have sent to their assistance when the sound of the firing reached his ears.