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Still the wrecks were there the red cap with the long blue silk tassel; the vest of black cloth embroidered with gold; the pantaloons of deep red; the large, full gaiters of the same color, embroidered with gold like the vest; the yellow slippers; the cachemire around his waist, and the small, crooked cangiar passed through his girdle. Zuleika gazed at him in amazement.

Beside Jack's bed, on his little "table de nuit," lay the remains of his last meal, and an open letter, which we read. It was from one of his suspicious acquaintances of former days, and ran thus: "Ou es tu, cher Jack? why you not come and see me tu me dois de l'argent, entends tu? un chapeau, une cachemire, a box of the Play.

I hope to see you about ten days after you receive this; and if you could bring me a Cachemire shawl, it would give me great pleasure to see your taste in its choice. God bless you, my dear son. "Your very affectionate "Frances Pelham." "P.S. I hope you go to church sometimes: I am sorry to see the young men of the present day so irreligious.

I feel quite sure that without this "cachemire" she would not have kept her footing in the pensionnat for two days: by virtue of it, and it only, she maintained the same a month. But when Mrs. Sweeny knew that I was come to fill her shoes, then it was that she declared herself then did she rise on Madame Beck in her full power then come down on me with her concentrated weight.

Perhaps you could get my old friend, Madame De , to choose the Cachemire take care of your health." This letter, which I read carefully twice over, threw me into a most serious meditation. My first feeling was regret at leaving Paris; my second, was a certain exultation at the new prospects so unexpectedly opened to me.