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I had remained below, not wishing to witness a scene of butchery; but I was induced to look up the ladder, in consequence of Jose telling me that there was a little white girl come on board.

Multitudes of accused were hauled before the tribunal and were condemned by batches almost without the form of a trial. For long hours day by day Vargas and del Rio revelled in their work of butchery; and in all parts of the Netherlands the executioners were busy. It was of no use for the accused to appeal to the charters and privileges of their provinces.

The time employed in this butchery was very considerable, and, in one instance, lasted more than half an hour. "The uncandid excuse for all this is, that the greater part of these men were put to death for political, not for religious, crimes.

Taylor had been there. He thought there were 75 soldiers in Lawrence; there were really 200. Four abreast, the column dashed into the town with the cry: “The camp first!” It was a day of butchery. Bill Anderson claimed to have killed fourteen and the count was allowed. But it is not true that women were killed. One negro woman leaned out of a window and shouted: “Youof—.”

Some of them must have been kind some of them must have asked to be shot rather than be set at the work of butchery. "I sometimes think," he pursued, "that if we could give moving pictures of the war just as it is in all its horror and hideousness show the pictures in every little town in every country in the world, that war would stop at once.

Count Louis, finding that the day was lost, gathered a little band of troopers, and with his brother, Count Henry, and Christopher, son of the Elector Palatine, charged into the midst of the enemy. They were never heard of more. The battle terminated in a horrible butchery.

Then their way of fighting he had thought it rather comic then they hopped and pranced about like so many lively frogs, but the butchery would not be rendered any more agreeable by being accompanied by laughable gestures! And there was an almost naked light-yellow savage, whom he recalled dancing the war dance he tried not to think of all this, but it came vividly before him.

Take the case of Slavery. There was a time when savage or barbaric tribes, moved by a regard to their own interests, and also, we may trust, touched by some compassion for their victims, began to substitute, for the wholesale butchery of their enemies defeated in war, the practice of retaining some or all of them for the purposes of domestic or agrarian service.

The women and children were spared, the men were hung on trees with an inscription pinned to their breasts: "Not as to Frenchmen, but as to Lutherans." The fate of Ribault's party was equally wretched. All were shipwrecked, but most apparently succeeded in landing alive. Then began a scene of deliberate butchery, aggravated, if the French accounts may be believed, by the most shameless treachery.

It is true that ultimately the drama ends in a vindication of what are called the ways of God to man, if indeed people are willing to put themselves off with a form of omnipotent justice which is simply a partial retribution inflicted on the monster, while torture and butchery fall upon victims more or less absolutely blameless.