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Kenton observes, that if his gun would have made fire, he would have "brothered" him to his heart's content, but, being totally unarmed, he called out that he would surrender if they would give him quarter and good treatment.

The others, far the larger group, escorted Sheila up the twelve feet of board walk to the porch of hospitality filled by the massive person of Mrs. Lander. On that brief walk Sheila was fathered, brothered, grandfathered, husbanded, and befriended and on the porch, all in the person of Mrs. Lander, she was mothered, sistered, and grandmothered.

Who ever thought of setting him apart? Whoever asked if he were rested from his tiresome journey journeys made not in comfortable coaches on the railroad, but in his buggy over all kinds of roads, at all times of day or night, in all sorts of weather winter and summer, rain and sleet and snow? Whoever 'Reverended' or 'Brothered' him? Oh no, he was only a man, a physician.

"'O brother, he explained, 'thou hast seen fit to speak of introducing new institutions amongst this people, and I have listened to thy words and gained wisdom thereby. Thou rulest by the God-given right, and by the God-given right I marry. "I noted that he 'brothered' me, and was angry and put my foot down.

Right or wrong, John Crondall carried you with him; for he dealt with men and things as he had brothered and known them, before ever he let loose, in a fiery peroration, that abstract idea of Empire patriotism which ruled his life. But it was not all this that made my paltry journalistic task a hard one. It was my certainty of Crondall's lofty sincerity.

She had been mothered and sistered and brothered by these farmer folk with a very prodigality of friendship, and to-day she realized more than ever with positive exultation that she was brawn of their brawn and built of their building. And then to her, a woman of the fields, had come down Providence Road over the Ridge from the great world outside the miracle.

Mind you, he was pretending to be a Presbyterian PresbyTARian, HE called it and all the time he was a Methodist. He brothered and sistered everybody. He had a large circle of relations, that man had.

He may not be a great thinker or preach polished sermons; his hands may be rough and his clothes ill-fitting; but if he is a loyal friend and ministers to real spiritual need, he is saint and prophet to those whom he has brothered. In the rural economy each public functionary is worthy or unworthy, according to his personal fidelity to his particular task.