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And there were many similar conversations of this kind. London seemed different, almost transfigured sometimes. Was this the beginning of that glory which should prove it a suburb of Bourcelles?

Her husband once described her as a solid piece of furniture. She was. 'You see, said Daddy bravely, as the moment's tension passed, 'my original idea was simply to treat Bourcelles as an epitome, a miniature, so to speak, of the big world, while showing how Nature sweetened and kept it pure as by a kind of alchemy. But that idea has grown.

What was a Scheme for Disabled Thingumabobs compared to the endless, far- reaching schemes that life in Bourcelles suggested to him! There was the true centre of life; cities were accretions of disease upon the surface merely! He was leaving Fairyland behind him.

In Bourcelles, the mountain village, there was more latitude, room for expansion, space. The heart leaped up spontaneously like a spring released. In the city this spring was held down rigidly in place, pressed under as by a weight; and the weight, surely, was that one for ever felt compelled to think of self self in a rather petty, shameful way personal safety.

Only that morning he had got a letter from him. 'Bourcelles, of course, Bourcelles! he cried, 'and steer for the slopes of Boudry where the forests dip towards the precipices of the Areuse. I'll send word to the children to meet us. 'Splendid! cried the Guard, and kissed him with delight.

'She accepted Bourcelles rather took it bodily into herself our poverty, our magic boxes, our democratic intimacy, and all the rest; it was just as though she had lived here with us always. And she kept asking who Orion was that's you, of course and why you weren't here 'And the Den too? asked Rogers, with a sudden trembling in his heart, yet knowing well the answer.

'And the story was it not about our little Bourcelles? asked the other. Mother held her hands up as though words failed her. She opened her arms wide. She was not quite sure of her voice. 'It was, she said at length, 'but Bourcelles had grown into the universe. It's a fairy-tale, but it's like a great golden fire.