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I wanted him to be a nice little boy, just as Georgina Phyllis is a nice little girl, and I wanted to bring him up nicely in a nice way, and here he is" and the unfortunate woman's voice broke "wearing number four grown-up shoes and being wheeled about by booboo! Petroleum! "I can never love him," she wailed, "never! He's too much for me! I can never be a mother to him, such as I meant to be!"

She had merely come to lodge with them, and if that was not agreeable "Well, and so ye shell, my dear; and if ye don't like the shop all at onct, there's Booboo, she wants lessons " "But I can pay," said Glory, and then she was compelled to say something of her plans.

It's gorn to a pusson I can trust to tyke keer of it, and I'm trooly thenkful " "It jest amarnts to this, miss: the biziness is too much for the missus as things is " "I wouldn't keer if my 'ealth was what it used to be, in the dyes when I 'ad Booboo." "But it ain't, and she's often said as how she'd like a young laidy to live with her and 'elp her with the shop."

At the end of the third week she said, "I can't abear to tyke yer money no longer, my dear, you not doing nothink." Then she hinted at a new arrangement. She had to be much from home. It was necessary; her health was poor an obvious fiction. During her absence she had to leave Booboo in charge.

A woman of middle age behind the counter was curtsying to his clerical attire, and a little girl at the door of an inner room was looking at him out of the corner of her eyes, with head aslant. "Father Storm, I think, sir. Come in and set you down, sir. Mind the shop, Booboo. My 'usband 'as told me about ye, sir. 'You'll know 'im at onct, Lidjer, 'e sez, siz 'e.

Jupe's husband, a waiter at a West End club, was a simple and helpless creature, very fond of his wife, much deceived by her, and kept in ignorance of the darker side of her business operations. Their daughter, familiarly called "Booboo," a silent child with cunning eyes and pasty cheeks, was being brought up to help in the shop and to dodge the inspector of the school board.

A woman named Madlen, who lived in Penlan the crumbling mud walls of which are in a nook of the narrow lane that rises from the valley of Bern was concerned about the future state of her son Joseph. Men who judged themselves worthy to counsel her gave her such counsels as these: "Blower bellows for the smith," "Cobblar clox," "Booboo for crows."