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I acquiesced, and he went to the shelf and shook some white powder into a glass. Then he put some water with it and it phizzed merrily. I drank it at a gulp and, climbing into the car, started for the second bridge on the Blandesville Road.

After they had left, I decided to go out to the Blandesville bridge and do a little preliminary scouting on my own. Eager for Mary's company, and wishing to tell her the glorious news that was to clear Helen, I drove to the hospital, only to find that Mary had not been there and Helen was asleep; so I drove on to Mary's, hoping to find her home.

"You're sure?" I asked. "I'm positive, old man. We only saw one car from the time we left Blandesville, until we reached the city." I put up the receiver and sank back in my chair. "Well?" Todd flung at me. "I'm out of luck!" I responded. Simpson rose. "Let's go on. We have crossed off two of our suspects from the list, let's see "

"This is Captain Wadsworth of the North District Police Station speaking. Your brother-in-law had a very bad accident with his car at the second bridge on the Blandesville Road. Both Mr. and Mrs. Felderson were pretty badly injured." "Where are they now?" I gasped, fear clutching at my throat. "They have been taken to St. Mary's Hospital." I slammed down the receiver and tore into my clothes.

I told her of my find of the morning, and watched her eyes widen with joy and surprise. "So, while we haven't found out yet who murdered Jim, we know that Helen had no part in it." Mary was thinking hard about something, but she recalled herself quickly, and said: "Oh! It's wonderful, Bupps, simply wonderful!" "I'm going out to the Blandesville bridge to do a little sleuthing on my own hook.

Will you tell me how you discovered the accident?" "I had been out to Blandesville on business and was returning with a party of friends. As we neared the bridge, one of them caught sight of the upturned automobile in the creek, and we stopped. We found Mrs. Felderson first, being attracted by her moans.

So I determined that Mary should spend as much time as possible at the hospital, feeling sure the reporters would not be allowed in the room where Helen lay, battered and unconscious. As for me, I wanted to get to the bridge on the Blandesville Road as quickly as possible and from there to the country-club to inquire what Woods had done the night before.