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"To me; Jean Poquelin; I hown 'im meself." "Well, sir?" "He don't billong to you; I get him from me father." "That is perfectly true, Mr. Poquelin, as far as I am aware." "You want to make strit pass yond'?" "I do not know, sir; it is quite probable; but the city will indemnify you for any loss you may suffer you will get paid, you understand." "Strit can't pass dare."

They are no Creole brick it is make with, that old house." Chester began to speak approvingly of the wide balconies running unbrokenly around its four sides at both upper stories, but Beloiseau shook his head: "They don't billong to the firz' building of that house, else they might have been Spanish, like here on the Cabildo and that old Café Veau-qui-tête.

Fr-rench-a-man have something aller au contraire he come at his Gouverneur. I come at you. If me not had been bought from me king like bossals in the hold time, ze king gof France would-a-show Monsieur le Gouverneur to take care his men to make strit in right places. Mais, I know; we billong to Monsieur le Président. I want you do somesin for me, eh?" "What is it?" asked the patient Governor.

"You billong to me," said Madame Delchasse, stoutly. "As to that h'idgit, no, never!" "But Mr. Eddring brought us safely through the forest," said Miss Lady, arguing now for him. "I don't know what became of Mr. Decherd, or why he left us, but we can't accuse Mr. Eddring of anything ungentlemanly after that time. But why was he so anxious to come? Why was Colonel Blount so anxious?

And to privend that, there's another thing you want to infer them: that you billong to the Louisiana Branch of the Authors' Protegtive H-union! Ah, doubtlezz you don't billong; but all the same you can infer them!"

Narcisse caught step with Richling, and they walked side by side. "How I learned to mawch, I billong with a fiah comp'ny," said the Creole. "We mawch eve'y yeah on the fou'th of Mawch." He laughed heartily. "Thass a 'ime! Mawch on the fou'th of Mawch! Thass poetwy, in fact, as you may say in a jesting way ha! ha! ha!" "Yes, and it's truth, besides," responded the drearier man.

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