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After Kansas went for you I found these here on the floor." Here he produced from a pocket a bent and twisted piece of baling-wire, and a steel half-moon horse-collar needle. "That's a Number Six needle," observed the sheriff, who invariably scented clues in the most unpromising objects. "And the point's broke off." "Number Six is a common size," said Racey. "Most stores carry 'em.

If he had not been so anxious and intent upon what was about to happen, he might also have observed an interchange of knowing looks among the gentlemen whose clothes were secured mostly with shingle-nails and baling-wire. The team looked all the auctioneer declared them to be as they stood head to head young, strong, perfectly matched and he defied all Wyoming to find a blemish on them.

If Uncle Bill felt his exile or harbored resentment at being treated like a leper he was too proud to give any sign. There had been but little change in the Hinds House in a year. Only a close observer would have noted that it had changed at all. There was a trifle more baling-wire intertwined among the legs of the office chairs and a little higher polish on the seats.

"Kinda wet for makin' calls, but when a man's loaded down with a guilty conscience " He sighed somewhat ostentatiously and pulled forward a chair rejuvenated with baling-wire braces between the legs, and a cowhide seat. "What's that cookin' coffee, or sheep-dip?" he inquired facetiously of Sandy, though his eyes dwelt solicitously upon Ford's bowed head.

From a bench near by he picked up a square kerosene can of the type made internationally popular by a certain oil trust, inspected it to see if the baling-wire handle would hold the weight of four gallons of gasoline, and sauntered to a shed under which a red-leaded iron drum lay on a low scaffold of poles. A brass faucet was screwed into the hole for a faucet.