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I had a hole in the ground meself, but she was silver; and when the skunks at Washington lowered the price of silver, where was I? Fitchered, b'God!" "I was looking for a job." "Well, it's mostly cattle down here in the Panamint, but since the strike over at Gold Gulch some of the boys have gone prospecting. There's gold in them damn Panamint Mountains.

I sent him a cable, this af'noon thass one reason more why I'm goin' home. 'Hangin' on the verge of starvation, I says 'for the honor of the family hic sen' me some bread. Hunger will compel me to join you Freddie. Thass what I wired him, by Harry, an' I mean it I'll run away from school, b'God, if he don't sen' me some."

"Then he must be crazy," said the Bo'sw'n, "but b'God he's got a beauty under him what's he doin' down here away?" "Ax me another," said Ponting. Raft stood with the others, watching the Gaston de Paris from whose funnels now the smoke was coming festooned on the wind, then he went below to shed his oilskins and smoke. She had ceased to interest him.

You're up against it, same as me, an' you can unerstan' a feller; your heart's in the right place, by Harry come 'long, ole chappie, an' we'll light up the house, an' have some fizz, an' we'll raise hell, we will whoop-la! S'long's I'm inside the house I can do as I please the guv'ner's own very orders, b'God! Hip! hip!"

"It's easier to carry the bundle with you on my shoulder, you ain't no weight." Then when he reached the steps: "Done it b'God," said he. He dropped the bundle and harpoon, and, lifting her, set her feet on the basalt steps. "Can you climb it?" asked he. Without a word she climbed and sitting on the little plateau looked down on him. Then he followed with the things and took his seat beside her.

Cribbens resented their humor, and after they had passed, chewed fiercely on his mustache. "I'd like to make a strike, b'God! if it was only to get the laugh on them joshers." By noon they were climbing the eastern slope of the Panamint Range. Long since they had abandoned the road; vegetation ceased; not a tree was in sight.

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