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For the Ikhwan movement, see P. W. Harrison, "The Situation in Arabia," Atlantic Monthly, December, 1920; S. Mylrea, "The Politico-Religious Situation in Arabia," The Moslem World, July, 1919. For the Salafî movement, see "Wahhabisme Son Avenir sociale et le Mouvement salafî," Revue du Monde musulman, 1919. The influence of the West is the great dynamic in the modern transformation of the East.

Tels furent les incidents de ce jour qui a fixé le sort de l'humanité. L'opinion que Jésus était ressuscité s'y fonda d'une manière irrévocable. La secte, qu'on avait cru éteindre en tuant le maître, fut dès lors assurée d'un immense avenir. We are willing to admit that Christian writers have often spoken unreally and unsatisfactorily enough in their comments on this subject.

B. MALON, Le Socialisme Integral, 2 vol., Paris, 1892. ZULIANI, Il privilegio della salute, Milan, 1893. LETOURNEAU, Passé, présent et avenir du travail, in Revue mensuelle de l'école d'anthropologie, Paris, June 15, 1894. "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp," is the way Robert Browning expresses this in "Andrea Del Sarto." Translator. Tr.

It must be noted that Avenir, unlike the general run of consumptives, did not deceive himself in regard to his disease.... But what of that? he did not sigh, nor grieve; he did not even once refer to his position....

The landowner, Gur Krupyanikov, had not turned him out of the house, but had given up paying him a salary, and had taken another tutor for Zyozya.... Fofa had been sent to a school of cadets. Avenir was sitting near the window in an old easy-chair. It was exquisite weather.