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Consider it as une affaire arrangee. And now allow me to offer you the means of improving your personal appearance I presume the leathern bag is empty?" "Bah! a long while ago. After I had lost my vessel, I made up to Mademoiselle Picardon; I thought it would not be a bad speculation but she never forgave me kicking that dirty puppy down stairs little beast!" Au revoir."

The house-keeper of a surgeon, who with his wife had just gone up to Forest Creek, would receive us to board and lodge for thirty shillings a week each; but as the accommodation was of the indifferent order, it was not as yet UNE AFFAIRE ARRANGEE. On farther inquiry, we found the indifferent accommodation consisted in their being but one small sleeping-room for the gentlemen, and myself to share the bed and apartment of the temporary mistress.

"Do not think so," replied Lady M . "I avoided saying so, because I would not have you styled a music-mistress; but on that one point alone you will more than earn your salary, as I will prove to you by showing you the annual payments to professors for lessons; but you will be of great value to me in other points, I have no doubt. May I, therefore, consider it as an affaire arrangee?"

"Why, sir, you said just now that he was un chien de beaucoup de sentiment: if he is so, he will accept and properly appreciate my apology." "Ah, sare," replied the Frenchman, relaxing the stern wrinkles of his brow, "c'est bien dit; you will make de apology to de dog. Sans doute, he is de principal, I am only de second. C'est une affaire arrangee. Monsieur est tres fache de t'avoir brule le nez.