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But, if you jest take the trouble to examine, you'll find that thur ain't enough motion in the water to make any sound at all. 'Tain't as if thar was a puffin' of the wind an a dashin' of the waves. Thar ain't no wind an' no waves, unfort'nat'ly; so it seems beyond a doubt that it must either be actooal voices, or else somethin' supernat'ral.

I've seen one of these yere mule experts with the most easy, delicate, delib'rate twist of the wrist make his whip squirm in the air like a hurt snake; an' then he'll straighten it out with the crack of twenty rifles, an' the buckskin popper cuts a hole in a loose buffalo robe he's hung up; an' all without investin' two ounces of actooal strength.

"'Which I'm out to elope a whole lot from Tucson, explains this pin-feather party to Enright, 'an' I aims to cinch the play. I'm a mighty cautious sport, an' before ever I hooks up for actooal freightin' over any trail, I rides her once or twice to locate wood and water, an' pick out my camps. Said system may seem timorous, but it's shore safer a heap.

The cowmen crowded forward, and peering over Muskoka's board shoulders, studied Wilson from head to foot with speechless scorn. Muskoka settled forward on his elbows. "Are you a real operator?" he inquired. In a voice that sounded foolish even to himself Wilson responded in the affirmative. "Actooal, real, male operator?" The cluster of bronzed faces guffawed loudly.

"To the end that you be eddicated, for it's better late than never," I'll pause concernin' Boggs an' the Mexicans long enough to eloocidate of Gander Pullin's. "As I su'gests, we onbends in this pastime at sech epocks as Christmas an' Thanksgivin. I don't myse'f take actooal part in any Gander Pullin's. Not that I'm too delicate, but I ain't got no hoss.