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The army halted on the western bank of the Nile, opposite Halfaia: about five hours' march above this place the Bahr el Abiad, or White River, flows into the Bahr el Azreck, or Nile of Bruce. In thirteen days from the junction of these two rivers, the army, marching along the left, or western branch of the Azreck, reached Sennaar.

Abissinie, Sennaar, Homran, Galabat, Kordofan. Tr. sylvaticus, Spaerm. Bahr el Abiad. Tr. Dekula, Rupp. Amhar. Dekoula. Arab. Houch. Djenke, Ber. Taka, Abissinie, Bahr el Abiad. B. Mauritanica, Sund. Arab. Tetel; Tigreh, Tori. Taka, Homran, Barka, Galabat, Kordofan, Bahr el Abiad. B. Caama, Cuv. Arab. Tetel. Djenke, Awalwon. Bahr el Abiad, Kordofan meridionale. B. Senegalensis, H. Smith.

The true Niger, running from the westwards till it loses itself in the sands of Wangara, seems here alluded to; and the Bahr el Abiad, or Western Nile, is supposed to be its continuation, rising again out of the sand. This ought certainly to be after, and seems to allude to the Bahr el Abiad. Literally a great sea. Barr.

She drew back before him as he approached, and he, intent upon imparting his news to her, followed her within the poop-house, and bade Abiad bring lights. When these had been kindled they faced each other, and he perceived her profound agitation and guessed the cause of it. Suddenly she broke into speech. "You beast! You devil!" she panted. "God will punish you!

He quivered with impatience, like a leashed hound. "Not yet," was the calm, restraining answer. "Every inch nearer shore she creeps the more certain is her doom. Time enough to sound the charge when she goes about. Give me to drink, Abiad," he said to one of his negroes, whom in irony he had dubbed "the White."

Having obtained all the information you require in that quarter, you are to proceed northwards towards the range of mountains marked upon our maps as containing the probable sources of the Bahr el Abiad, which it will be your next great object to discover."

She cowered back against the dalal as if for protection. Sakr-el-Bahr reached forward, caught her by the wrists, and almost tossed her to his Nubians, Abiad and Zal-Zer, who were attending him. "Cover her face," he bade them. "Bear her to my house. Away!"

Some think it unites with the Nile, and forms the great western branch of that river, called the Bahr el Abiad, or White River; others think that it loses itself in the lakes or swamps of Wangara, or Ghana, and is there wasted by evaporation; while another opinion is, that its course takes a bend to the west, and that it falls into the Atlantic, or that it discharges itself into the Indian Ocean.

Bahr el Abiad. B. Tiang, nov. spec. Djenke, Tian. Bahr el Abiad, Bahr Ghazal. B. Tian-riel, nov. spec. Bahr el Abiad. "Ouoadembi." "El Mor." "El Khondieh." "Om Khat." "El Hamra."

Arab. Om Hetehet. Amhar. Dofasa. Djenke, Bor. Bahr el Salame, Galabat, Kordofan, Bahr el Abiad, Dender, Abissinie occidentale et centrale. R. ellipsiprymna, Ogilby. Djenke, Bor. Bahr el Abiad. F. HIPPOTRAGUS, Sund. H. niger, Harris. Arab. Abou Maarif. H. nov. spec. Arab. Abou Maarif.* Bakerii.* Bahr el Salaam, Galabat Dender, fleuve BIeu, Sennaar meridionale. H. Beisa, Rupp. Arab. Beisa et Damma.