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Nov. 7 Germany's envoys enter allied lines by arrangement. November 9 Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates and crown prince renounces throne. Nov. 10 Former Kaiser Wilhelm and his eldest son, Friedrick Wilhelm, flee to Holland to escape widespread revolution throughout Germany. November 9 -Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates and crown prince renounces throne.

Law the Projector..... Sentiments of some Lords touching the War with Spain..... Petition of the Quakers..... The Parliament dissolved..... Rumours of a Conspiracy..... The Bishop of Rochester is committed to the Tower..... New Parliament..... Declaration of the Pretender..... Report of the Secret Committee..... Bill of Pains and Penalties against the Bishop of Rochester..... Who is deprived and driven into perpetual Exile..... Proceedings against those concerned in the Lottery at Hamburgh..... Affairs of the Continent..... Clamour in Ireland on account of Wood's Coinage..... Death of the Duke of Orleans..... An Act for lessening the Public Debts..... Philip King of Spain abdicates the Throne..... Abuses in Chancery..... Trial of the Earl of Macclesfield..... Debates about the Debts of the Civil List..... A Bill in favour of the late Lord Bolingbroke..... Treaty of Alliance between the Courts of Vienna and Madrid..... Treaty of Hanover..... Approved in Parliament..... Riots in Scotland on account of the Malt- tax..... A small Squadron sent to the Baltic..... Admiral Hosier's Expedition to the West Indies..... Disgrace of the Duke de Ripperda..... Substance of the King's Speech to Parliament..... Debate in the House of Lords upon the approaching Rupture with the Emperor and Spain..... Memorial of Mr.

Illness of Napoleon Louis. Letter from Eugene. Napoleon arrives in Paris. Letter from Josephine. Death of Madame Broc. Hortense at Aix. Disasters to Napoleon. Embarrassment of Maria Louisa. Napoleon's last interview with Josephine. Josephine goes to Navarre. Letter from Napoleon. Napoleon abdicates. Kindness of Alexander. Illness of Josephine. Death of Josephine.

Cato of Utica, the source of his hatred to Caesar, C. i. 4; made praetor of Sicily, prepares for war, and abdicates his province, 30 Cavalry, their institution and manner of fighting among the Germans, G. i. 48, iv. 2 Cavarillus taken and brought before Caesar, G. vii. 62

The king still abdicates annually for a short time and his place is filled by a more or less nominal sovereign; but at the close of his short reign the latter is no longer killed, though sometimes a mock execution still survives as a memorial of the time when he was actually put to death. To take examples.

March 9 President Wilson calls extra session of congress for April 16. March 11 British under Gen. Maude capture Bagdad; revolution starts in Petrograd. March 15 Czar Nicholas of Russia abdicates. March 17 French and British capture Bapaume. March 18 New French ministry formed by Alexander Ribot.

At such times, the idlest fancy is more potent with the mind than the soundest arguments of reason. The understanding abdicates its functions; and men are given over, as if by magic, to the enchantments of insanity. Phenomena of this eccentric kind always accompany periods of intellectual change.

Frankly, it makes one laugh to hear people assign a role to Science, forbid her to enter such and such a domain, predict to her that she shall go no further, and declare that at this end of the century she is already so weary that she abdicates!

In these days, it is a fool who abdicates before he's forced to. And therefore: "Well, then au revoir till luncheon." They were being so awfully nice. And inwardly they were not condescending. But socially, they just had to be. The world is made like that. It wasn't their own private fault. It was no fault at all. It was just the mode in which they were educated, the style of their living.

Any man who abdicates his rights, or gives way before obstacles, abandons his mission and returns to the rank of the beasts. His is a lost power, which has evaporated into space. Such is my opinion.