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Not but what with Lezzard a-pawin' of her 't was enough to drive her to it." That night the lover announced his triumph, whereon Phoebe congratulated him and Miller Lyddon shook his head. "'T is an awful experiment, Billy, at your age," he declared.

Whoever gave them the name of John Bull, knew what he was about, I tell you; for they are bull-necked, bull-headed folks, I vow; sulky, ugly tempered, vicious critters, a-pawin' and a-roarin' the whole time, and plaguy onsafe unless well watched. They are as headstrong as mules, and as conceited as peacocks."

And him sittin' by, his heart fit to fly out at you, sayin' nothin'; while this other young chap, his flower in his button-hole, his horse a-pawin' up the stones in the street down below, is a-carryin' on." "I have neglected the poor Honourable Charles lately, I admit," said Bessie with a remorseful sigh. "And him that patient that faithful! Well, now, Miss Bessie, you listen to me.

Bain't there a drop o' wits in yer head? Don't ye know yer place, Denny Nolan, ye ignorant fisherman, a-pawin' at the likes o' her?" The skipper felt shame at sight of Flora's tears and anger at his grandmother's humiliating words. There was a bitter edge to her voice that was new to him, and her lean old fingers pinched into his flesh like fingers of iron. "Sure, I bes mad," he said.

I looked up quick-like and blest if there wasn't old Bill Buffalo a-pawin' and a-bellerin' and a-shakin' of his head, not thirty yards away! Soon as he see me look up he come chargin' down on me with his big head close to the ground like a locomotive cow-catcher. And me in that awkward state of dishabilly!" "What did you do, Mr. Smiley?" cried Nell in suspense.