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Yer can't 'spect the young lady to stand all day a-holding the coffee-pot up in the air, while you're a-talking out all the breath in your chest. Do send him on, sir." "All right; coming," growled Dumlow, and he went on, leaving me to fight with the fire, listening to the hissing and sputtering of the steam, fire, and water, and to the steady clang-clank of the pump.

"Butter! thou nasty man!" "Why for how dost thou mean, my lady?" quoth I. "Why, for mashing that poor beast to a pap." And then a-holding of her hand level below her eyes, so that she might not discern the ground, "Is he dead?" quoth she. "Dead?" asked I, for I was somewhat puzzled in my mind. "Ay, the slug; is he dead?"

That night at the camp-meeting, he had to take her out of the tent he was asked to do it " "He didn't have to stand, a-holding her hand." " And as soon as he'd shown her the way to Brother Gregory's, he came on back to the tent, I saw him in the aisle." "And she whistled at me," cried Miss Sapphira "the limb!" "Now, listen, Sapphira, and quit goading.

'Ero Edwards had been wanting to see her to tell her that the war would be over in June, and that the Edwards's nephew knew on the best authority that the Kaser couldn't get no kipper to his breakfast any more because Preserdink Wilson was a-holding of them up upon the high seas, and that Jimmy Wragge was "wanted" for "helping himself," and that young Dusty Morgan, the lodger, had gone for a soldier, and his wife had taken his job as driver of a van.

Holl said breathlessly, "but indeed, sir, I am a bad hand at explaining things, and if you snaps me up I shall never get on with it." Captain Bayley smiled a little. "Well, I will try and not snap you up if you will come to the point. Now, what is the point?" "The point, sir," Mrs. Holl said despairingly, "is a hand with three fingers a-holding of a dagger." Captain Bayley looked astonished.

It vas a dark night, the night I found 'im, vith vind and rain, and there vos me and 'im a-grappling on the edge of a vharf leastvays I vere a-holding onto 'is leg, d'ye see ah, and a mortal 'ard struggle it vere too, and in the end I didn't save 'im arter all." "What do you mean?"

I'll set the police on him I will. When a man's drove wild, he aint answerable for what he's a-doing; and to see him a-walking about Carlingford, and a-holding up his head, is a thing as I won't stand no longer, not if it was to be my ruin. I'm as good as ruined now, and I don't care."