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The wonder indeed is, on the theory of natural selection, that more cases of the want of absolute perfection have not been observed. p. 472. We think that the real temper of this whole speculation as to nature itself may be read in these few lines. It is a dishonouring view of nature.

The length of the foreign mail routes is estimated at 18,349 miles and the annual transportation thereon at 615,206 miles. The annual cost of this service is $1,472,187, of which $448,937 are paid by the Post-Office Department and $1,023,250 are paid through the Navy Department.

Macpherson, Annals of Commerce, vol. iii. p. 472. Macpherson, vol. iv. p. 11. The great West India cargo of 1772, an especial preserve of the Navigation Act, was carried to England in 679 ships, of which one-third were built in America. "The contraband trade carried on by plantation ships in defiance of the Act of Navigation was a subject of repeated complaint."

A small library had been opened the year before at 12 Chambers Street, and there the library remained, constantly growing in number of volumes and patrons, till 1835, when it was removed to the old High-School Building, at 472 Broadway, which the society about that time purchased.

I must try to point out certain results which had a material effect upon English opinion in general and, in particular, upon the Utilitarians. Hist. xxv. 472. The country-gentlemen, said Wilberforce in 1800, are the 'very nerves and ligatures of the body politic. Correspondence, i. 219.

Under 1000 : 2 : 434 : 472 : 503 1000 to 2000 : 4 : 414 : 455 : 454 2000 to 3000 : 6 : 384 : 424 : 426 3000 to 4000 : 2 : 365 : 408 : 394 After the table comes the boast as usual: "Thus is the law of population deduced from the registers of Prussia also: and were the argument to pause here, it is conclusive.

"The electrically excited negative pole supplies the force majeure, which entirely, or partially, changes into a rectilinear action the irregular vibration in all directions." Proc. Roy. Soc., 1880. page 472.

But perhaps the passage is only an allusion to Thrasyboulos' boyhood as a time past. And certainly both Xenokrates and his brother Theron seem to be spoken of in this ode as already dead, and we know that Theron did not die till 473. Perhaps therefore Thrasyboulos was celebrating in 472 the anniversary of his deceased father's victory, four years after the victory itself.

By these actual and careful statistics, it had been found that from the inshore fishing American fishermen had in the five seasons secured 125,961 barrels of mackerel, worth when packed and ready for exportation $3.75 per barrel, and in the aggregate $472,353. But in this price, as Mr.

The length of the foreign mail routes is estimated at 18,349 miles and the annual transportation thereon at 615,206 miles. The annual cost of this service is $1,472,187, of which $448,937 are paid by the Post-Office Department and $1,023,250 are paid through the Navy Department.