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SUFFRAGE, POLITICAL CONDITION, INDUSTRIAL AND PROFESSIONAL STATUS: Full suffrage. Women are eligible to all offices. 7 women are in the ministry, 4 journalists, 2 lawyers, 15 doctors, 1 saloon keeper, 1 commercial traveller, 1 carpenter, etc. Illinois POPULATION: Male 2,472,782; female 2,348,768. HUSBAND AND WIFE: Wife controls own earnings. Dower prevails.

For an interesting account of the early iron industry of Sussex see M. A. LOWER'S Contributions to Literature, Historical, Antiquarian, and Metrical. London, 1854. Archaeologia, vol. x. 472. One of these, 6 1/2 feet long, and of 2 1/2 inches bore, manufactured in 1543, bears the cast inscription of Petrus Baude Gallus operis artifex. Mr.

One could not think of Aristotle or Beethoven multiplying 3,472,701 by 99,999 without making a mistake, nor could one think of him remembering the range of this or that railway share for two years, or the number of ten-penny nails in a hundred weight, or the freight on lard from Galveston to Rotterdam.

The length of the foreign mail routes is estimated at 18,349 miles and the annual transportation thereon at 615,206 miles. The annual cost of this service is $1,472,187, of which $448,937 are paid by the Post-Office Department and $1,023,250 are paid through the Navy Department.

The lady in question was Juliana Anicia, daughter of Anicius Olybrius, Emperor of the West in 472, and his wife Placidia, daughter of Valentinian III. Juliana was betrothed in 479 by the Eastern Emperor Zeno to Theodoric the Ostrogoth, but was married, probably in 487 when the manuscript was presented to her, to Areobindus, a high military officer under the Byzantine Emperor Anastasius.

THE LIFE OF BUDDHA. Of the life of Buddha we have only legendary information, where it is impossible to separate fact from romance. The date of his death was between 482 and 472 B.C. He was then old. He belonged to the family of Gautamas, who were said to be of the royal line of the Cakyas, a clan having its seat about a hundred and thirty-seven miles north of Benares.

By James D. Dana, M.A., LL.D., Silliman Professor of Geology and Natural History in Yale College, Author of "A System of Mineralogy," of Reports of Wilkes's Exploring Expedition, on Geology, on Zoöphytes, and on Crustacea, etc. Philadelphia. Theodore Bliss & Co. 8vo. pp. xvi., 798. $5.00. The Old Merchants of New York. By Walter Barrett, Clerk. New York. G.W. Carleton. 12mo. pp. 472. $1.50.

It was in the year of our Lord 378 that these long-dreaded barbarians defeated the Emperor Valens in the plain of Adrianople, and as early as 404 twenty-six years after their first victory in Eastern Europe they had taken and burned great Rome herself. Again and again in 410, in 455, and in 472 they captured and plundered the Imperial City.

Hieron won this race B.C. 472, while at the height of his power at Syracuse. Probably the ode was sung at Syracuse, perhaps, as has been suggested, at a banquet.

He estimates his own loss at 120 killed and 472 wounded; the enemy's foot were not much cut up, because they were intrenched; "but they have lost a vast number of cavalry."