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Total 52 hits 205 score My own best practice American round is as follows: May 22, 1917. At 60 yards 29 hits 157 score 50 yards 29 hits 185 score 40 yards 30 hits 196 score Total 88 hits 538 score Anything over 500 is considered good shooting. It will be seen from this that the Indian was not a good target shot, but in field shooting and getting game, probably he could excel the white man.

Miss Dunstable duly received it, and had her answer conveyed back discreetly to George's hands. The correspondence ran as follows: Courcy Castle, Aug. , 185 . I cannot but flatter myself that you must have perceived from my manner that you are not indifferent to me. Indeed, indeed, you are not.

The Deccan Traps have been described by Sykes, Geol. Trans., 2nd Series, vol. iv.; also Rev. S. Hislop, "On the Geology of the Neighbourhood of Nagpur, Central India," Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. x. p. 274; and Ibid., vol. xvi. p. 154. Also, H. B. Medlicott and W. T. Blanford, Manual of the Geology of India, vol. i. . Blanford, Geology of Abyssinia, p. 185.

According to the eloquent, and sometimes well-informed, author of the Philosophical and Political History of the Establishment of the Europeans in the two Indies, the annual importation of registered gold and silver into Spain, at an average of eleven years, viz. from 1754 to 1764, both inclusive, amounted to 13,984,185 3/5 piastres of ten reals.

Fifty-nine railway post-office lines were in operation June 30, 1873, extending over 14,866 miles of railroad routes and performing an aggregate service of 34,925 miles daily. The number of letters exchanged with foreign countries was 27,459,185, an increase of 3,096,685 over the previous year, and the postage thereon amounted to $2,021,310.86.

A nobler, braver spirit never stepped from college walls upon life's crowded highway, or one with firmer, truer tread than he. TIME rolled on. Months had melted into months until they were calendared by years, since we bade adieu to Madam Truxton's finishing class on that departed June day 185-, and watched with regretful eye the last well-executed drill of the graduating cadets of the same year.

Throughout the whole of November rumours of a coming British Expedition were prevalent, but they were of the vaguest and most contradictory character. On 25th November Gordon learnt that it was still at Ambukol, 185 miles further away from Khartoum than he had expected, and his only comment under this acute disappointment was, "This is lively!"

North of the nave is the cloister measuring 175 feet by 185, on its western side the refectory 125 feet by 30, and on the east next the transept a sacristy 48 feet square, and north of it a chapter-house of about the same size, but increased on its northern side by a large apse.

It appears that annually for the past six years there have been coined, in Compliance with the requirements of the act of February 28, 1878, more than 27,000,000 silver dollars. The number now outstanding is reported by the Secretary to be nearly 185,000,000, whereof but little more than 40,000,000, or less than 22 per cent, are in actual circulation.

Hamilton had a secret overture made him, that he, with those men, should be welcome into the French service; his majesty, at their dismissal, having declared they should have leave to go abroad whither they pleased. They accepted of Mr. Hamilton's offer to carry them into France. "Arlington's Letters," vol. i., p. 185.