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You are a woman, and I am a man; and therefore, no doubt, your name, when brought in question, is more subject to remark than mine, as is my name, being that of a clergyman, more subject to remark than that of one not belonging to a sacred profession. But not on that account do I wish to unfrock myself; nor certainly on that account do I wish to be deprived of my wife.

And now that it has come to the end you might have expected, and the poor helpless child who was bought and sold like a slave is in the position of the sinner, you want me to cut her off, to turn the hearts of all good people against her, to cast her out of communion, to make her a thing to point the finger at me, her spiritual father who baptized her, taking her out of the arms of the angel who bore her and giving her to Christ or if I won't you'll deprive me of my living, you'll report me to Rome, you'll unfrock me. . . ."

It would be a grave scandal, were he to be brawling in the town where he is known. Therefore, I pray you, take him elsewhere. I have striven long to make him a worthy member of his order, but I feel that it is beyond me; and it would be best, therefore, that he should go his own way. He may come to be a worthy soldier, and so justify me in allowing him to unfrock himself.

It is in these words: "Proud prelate, I understand you are backward in complying with your agreement: but I would have you know, that I, who made you what you are, can unmake you; and if you do not forthwith fulfil your engagement, by God I will immediately unfrock you. Yours, as you demean yourself, Elizabeth."

He was to espouse the Infanta, he was to govern the Netherlands, and, as it was supposed, there were wider and wilder schemes for the aggrandizement of this fortunate ecclesiastic brooding in the mind of Philip than yet had seen the light. Meantime the cardinal's first care was to unfrock himself.

"Were I a monk, I would welcome death that should unfrock me, and let me go a-wandering in Paradise among these fair lady saints we see in the pictures." "It is written, Barthelemy, that there is neither marrying nor giving in marriage."

He was to espouse the Infanta, he was to govern the Netherlands, and, as it was supposed, there were wider and wilder schemes for the aggrandizement of this fortunate ecclesiastic brooding in the mind of Philip than yet had seen the light. Meantime the cardinal's first care was to unfrock himself.

As a bishop, I cannot entrust to a guilty man the care of immortal souls. 'Guilty? I am guilty of nothing. 'Do you call malice, falsehood, dissimulation nothing? 'You cannot unfrock me for what I have done, said Cargrim, evading a direct reply. 'You may have the will, but you have not the power.

He was to espouse the Infanta, he was to govern the Netherlands, and, as it was supposed, there were wider and wilder schemes for the aggrandizement of this fortunate ecclesiastic brooding in the mind of Philip than yet had seen the light. Meantime the cardinal's first care was to unfrock himself.

It was to Bishop Cox, who then presided over the see of Ely, that Queen Elizabeth, when he objected to the alienation of certain church property, wrote her famous letter: "PROUD PRELATE: You know what you were before I made you what you are; if you do not immediately comply with my request, by God, I will unfrock you." Old passage from Ely street to Cathedral Ford. 2.