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Every contingency was calculated upon and provided for beforehand, so that personal adventures were almost unknown or too trival to mention. We had, of course, had abundant opportunities to study the habits of the people among whom we had lived so long.

All the prisons and the duke immediately on commencing his administration had built a great number of them were crammed full with the accused; hanging, beheading, quartering, burning were the prevailing and ordinary occupations of the day; the punishment of the galleys and banishment were more rarely heard of, for there was scarcely any offence which was reckoned too trival to be punished with death.

All the prisons and the duke immediately on commencing his administration had built a great number of them were crammed full with the accused; hanging, beheading, quartering, burning were the prevailing and ordinary occupations of the day; the punishment of the galleys and banishment were more rarely heard of, for there was scarcely any offence which was reckoned too trival to be punished with death.

Her placidly tragic face had grown hard; and altogether, the anger she displayed seemed out of proportion to the trival offence. Krafft remained undisturbed. "It's not the least use scolding. Go and make it right with the old crow. Come, puss, come." The girl checked the words that rose to her lips, gave a slight shrug, and went out of the room.

All the prisons and the duke immediately on commencing his administration had built a great number of them were crammed full with the accused; hanging, beheading, quartering, burning were the prevailing and ordinary occupations of the day; the punishment of the galleys and banishment were more rarely heard of, for there was scarcely any offence which was reckoned too trival to be punished with death.

Heath remained in charge of the College less than a year, resigning because of certain charges of insufficiency, which seem rather trival. Another professor left to go into business and Asbury's soul was tried by these "heavy tidings." The good Bishop was indefatigable in his care of Cokesbury.

Except the short piece named May and Death, which like Rossetti's poem of the wood-spurge, is founded upon one of those freaks of association that make some trival object the special remembrancer of sorrow, the remaining poems of Dramatis Personae, as originally published, are all poems of love.

She walked swiftly, and her chief aim seemed to be to render any but the most trival words impossible. Now, however, her strained gaiety had the aspect of a fever; Maurice believed that, for the most part, she did not know what she was saying. Until they stood in front of the house-door, she kept up the tension.

The slightest change of circumstance, a few miles of separation, an inadvertent offence, a trival difference of opinion, a clashing of interests, are, any one of them, sufficient to bring such an intimacy to an end, and to cast reproach upon the sacred name of friendship, when friendship had never existed between the parties for a single moment.

I could not write fast enough. In that mental debauch I believe that I squandered the energy of years, and now I can conceive no more. If I could only sleep, perhaps I could write. Oh! long, long nights, crowded with the fearful acceleration of trival thoughts crushed one upon another, crowding so fast.