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"Love's first tiff," he sighed, laying down the hammer and beginning to fill his pipe. "Love's what?" "Tootsie-wootsie tiff, I believe I said" this between puffs as the match flared high and low over the bowl. "You understand, of course, that Doloria gave the order." "Confound you, why didn't you say so! What's happened? Did a message come?" "Sure." He stopped smoking and looked at me.

"Don't pull it out," had come the answer. "Put it there!" and within an hour the breezy fellow, his arm through the Englishman's, had trotted him all over Dort from the Groote Kerk to the old Gate of William of Orange, introducing him to every painter he met on the way, first as Pudfut, then as Puddy, then as Pretty-foot, then as Tootsie-Wootsie, and last as Toots a name by which he is known in the Quartier to this day.

Remorselessly went on the rejuvenated Darby: "Hain't a-goin' ter git up, heh? Yew old mollycoddle! Yew baby! Old Lady 31! Kiffy calf! But I hain't a-blamin' yew; ef I had lived in this here place a year an' a half, I'd be stark, starin' mad! Leetle tootsie-wootsie! Git up!"

He fetches and carries for them, and gives his handkerchief when they slobber, but perhaps it is he feels proud that a person of his size had these four enormous babies almost all at once like that. The whole thing is simply dreadful. Tea was a pandemonium! The four aunts gushing over the infants, and feeding them with cake, and gurgling with "tootsie-wootsie popsy-wopsy" kind of noises.

"Well, I never!" cried Bess, falling on her knees before the dog's carrier, and likewise worshipping. "Isn't he the cunning, tootsie-wootsie sing? 'E 'ittle dear! Oh, Nan! isn't he a love? How soft his tiny tongue is," for the puppy was indiscriminate in his expressions of affection. "I believe the men must have forgotten him," said Nan. "It's a murderin' shame, as cook would say," Bess declared.