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In solution, arsenic may be detected by the liquid tests. Sulphuretted hydrogen water gives a yellow precipitate. Marsh's Process. Put pure distilled water into a Marsh's apparatus with metallic zinc and sulphuric acid. Hydrogen is set free, and should be tested by lighting the issuing gas and depressing over it a piece of white porcelain.

The doing of this involves several processes, all simple enough in principle, and requiring but simple apparatus for demonstration on a small scale. To take them in order the processes are The condensation of the tar; The condensation of steam; The removal of the ammonia gas; The removal of the sulphuretted hydrogen and carbonic acid.

A spring surcharged with sulphuretted hydrogen gas rises within a few paces of the river. A small building is erected over it, and when a candle is applied to a tube in a barrel, which encloses the spring, a brilliant and powerful light is evolved. Close adjoining are the remains of extensive mills burnt by the Americans during last war.

The water is charged with carbonic acid and sulphuretted hydrogen. These springs deposit much tufa in the form of spherical balls. 1st. The lowest mass is the altered clay-slate described in the preliminary discussion, and which in this line of section was here first met with.

And between me and the deck steward haulin' one way, and Meyers and Mr. Ellins pullin' the other, we finally pries 'em apart, breathin' hard and glarin' menacin'. "Now, in the name of Mars," demands Old Hickory, "what the sulphuretted syntax is this all about? Come, Captain Killam, you started this; tell us why." "He he's a traitor, that's why!" pants Rupert, pointin' at Dudley.

These waters, strongly charged with sulphuretted hydrogen, gush out from the back of a hill rising one hundred and fifty feet above the bottom of the ravine, and tending from south-south-east to north-north-west. The rock from which the springs gush, is a real coarse-grained granite, resembling that of the Rincon del Diablo, in the mountains of Mariara.

Skey's experiments disproved the view generally held that gold is unaffected by sulphur or sulphuretted hydrogen gas, and showed that these elements combined with avidity, and that the gold thus treated resisted amalgamation with mercury. Mr.

The Peruvian borax sometimes contains nitre. For testing the purity of refined borax the following simple tests will usually suffice. On passing sulphuretted hydrogen into the solution, no coloration or precipitate should be produced. Calcium Salts. The solution should not give a precipitate with ammonium oxalate solution. Carbonates.

In our way along the shores we crossed several running rivulets of clear cold water, which, from having reeds at their confluences, had not been noticed in our previous exploration in the boat. One of these was called Mokola, and another had a strong odour of sulphuretted hydrogen. We reached Molamba on the 8th September, and found our old acquaintance, Nkomo, there still.

It may be said that all the volcanic mountains in this part of the West Indies have what the people call a "soufriere" a "sulphur pit," or "sulphur crater" the name coming, as in the case of past disturbances of Mont Pelee, from the strong stench of sulphuretted hydrogen which issues from them when the volcano becomes agitated.