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For Julia the rest of the afternoon was enchanted; an enchantment subtly flavoured with the odour of evergreen, and pierced by rapturous voices, and by the glowing colours of the Christmas tree, and the slapping rain at the window.

He reflected that Ricardo's invitation could scarcely be anything in the nature of a trap. It would have been too absurd. Why carry subtly into a trap someone already bound hand and foot, as it were? All this time he had been looking fixedly at the girl he called Lena.

From the shore came hot whiffs of that indescribable smell so subtly suggestive of a tropical land; while the names of the districts the Ivory Coast, the Gold Coast, the Slave Coast conjured up the old days of adventure, blood-red with deeds of cruelty and shame.

In this particular instance I was the exception to the rule, that hair generally gives a boy no great trouble from the time he merges out of babyhood until he puts on long pants and begins to discern something strangely and subtly attractive about the sex described by Mr. Kipling as being the more deadly of the species.

Up the Nile the fellaheen smile as kindly as the policemen, smile protectingly upon you, as if they would say, "Allah has placed us here to take care of the confiding stranger." No ferocious demands for money fall upon my ears; only an occasional suggestion is subtly conveyed to me that even the poor must live and that I am immensely rich.

He enfolded her, and kissed her subtly, murmuring in a subtle voice of love, and irony, and submission: 'Yes, my love, yes, my love. Let love be enough then. I love you then I love you. I'm bored by the rest. 'Yes, she murmured, nestling very sweet and close to him. Every year Mr Crich gave a more or less public water-party on the lake.

He knew what it was to have the strange and magical current of force in his back and loins, and down his legs, force so perfect that it stayed him immobile, and left his face subtly, mindlessly smiling. He knew what it was to be awake and potent in that other basic mind, the deepest physical mind.

Far past the promise of her girlhood, the noble, transfigured face, with its glory of lustreless white hair, set his pulses to throbbing wildly. And subtly, unconsciously, but not the less surely, he hungered for death. Anthony Dexter had cherished no sentiment about the end of life; to him it had seemed much the same as the stopping of a clock, and of as little moment.

Cardinal Granvelle had ever whispered in the King's ear the expediency of taking off the Prince by assassination. It has been seen how subtly distilled, and how patiently hoarded, was this priest's venom against individuals, until the time arrived when he could administer the poison with effect. His hatred of Orange was intense and of ancient date.

His voice sounded stern; yet, still he did not seem to be angry. "No, never." Almost involuntarily she answered him. "But she did say once that you cared only for your profession, that it was not in you to to worship any woman." "And you think that too?" he said. His voice was softer now; it moved her subtly. She turned her face away from him and stifled a sob in her throat.