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Immediately upon his accession to the throne, Alexander confirmed the following resolution adopted by the Jewish Committee on May 3, 1855: "After the lapse of twenty years no one shall be appointed rabbi or teacher of Jewish subjects, except graduates of the rabbinical schools or of the general educational establishments of a higher or secondary grade."

That was your idea, wasn't it, Hannah?" "Oh, show it me! Don't talk so much," she said, smiling. "No," he said, teasingly. "No more accidents for me! I'll wait to make sure till your father and mother have taken me to their arms. Rabbinical law is so full of pitfalls I might touch your finger this or that way, and then we should be married. And then, if your parents said 'no, after all "

If this was the case with the rabbinical seminaries, we can easily imagine the state of the subordinate schools. The Christian principals were coarse and uneducated as a rule, and did their best to prejudice the children against their religion.

The learned writings of the Rabbis became known as Rabbinical literature. It is written in a language that has its roots in the Hebrew and Chaldaic; though it has also borrowed largely from the Arabian, Greek and Latin.

Selden, it is true, gave to the University Library 'such of his Talmudical and Rabbinical books as were not already to be found there, and purchases were made at the Crevenna sale in Amsterdam and at a sale during the present century of the MSS. of Matheo Canonici at Venice.

The story, as in the previous pictures, is not insisted upon; the biblical episode and the rabbinical legend are treated in the same fantastic way as the classic myth.

The "Committee of Old Testament Believers" embarked upon the huge task of civilizing the Jews of Poland and purging the Jewish religion of its superstitious excrescences. The first step taken by the Committee was the establishment of a Rabbinical Seminary in Warsaw for the training of modernized rabbis, teachers, and communal workers.

In the town of Loudun was a famous convent of Ursuline nuns, and Grandier solicited the office of director of the nunnery, but happily he was prevented by circumstances from undertaking that duty. Rabbinical writers consider him as the chief of evil spirits, and recount his marvellous deeds. He indignantly refuted the calumny, and appealed to the Archbishop of Bordeaux, Charles de Sourdis.

He saturated it with Talmudic terms and phrases, thus adapting it more closely to the spirit of the scenes and things and acts he was occupied with, and making it the proper medium for the description of a world that was Rabbinical in all essential points. But Gordon never went to excess in the use of Talmudisms; he always maintained a just sense of proportion.

When that view has been enjoyed, and is sufficiently impressed upon the memory, the travellers glance at the Mount of Offence standing in rugged stateliness at their right hand, and then at the Hill of Evil Counsel over on the left, in which, if they be well up in Scriptural history and in the traditions rabbinical and monkish, they will find a certain interest not to be overcome by superstitious horror.