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It would stir the millions of the North. It would drive the South to desperation. The thing that stunned him was the failure of the black legions to mobilize under the Captains whom he had appointed to lead them. It was incredible.

Turkey then needed other three months to complete her first line of defences and mobilize. These were allowed to her, and in the late autumn she entered the field against Great Britain, France, and Russia, armed with German guns, led by German officers, and fed with German gold. The Future Turkey's situation, therefore, in general terms has become this.

They swallowed his flattery, but did not take in his strategy or his warnings. They knew that when the moment came to face the Franco-Russian alliance, they were to make a magnificient dash at France and sweep her pieces off the great chess board before the Russians had time to mobilize; and then return and crush Russia, leaving the conquest of England for another day.

The oration which had insulted half of those who heard it was published in edition after edition and distributed in the country districts of the North. Sumner was ever after in great demand as a speaker and anti-Southern agitator. He would not, however, dissolve the Union to escape slavery; he sought rather to mobilize the forces which the abolitionists were stirring to activity.

We are not building an active force adequate to carry on full scale war, but we are putting ourselves in a position to mobilize very rapidly if we have to. This year I shall recommend some increases in the size of the active force we are building, with particular emphasis on air power.

England has played feebly with the question from the beginning when the ravages of drink among the working population what every visitor to England had known became painfully evident to the Government in its efforts to mobilize war industries and increase production.

"That means third cheta assemble!" shouted Krsto. All rushed out. Sure enough a telegram had arrived saying "The Turks are over the border! Mobilize at once!" Every one was delighted. The men hustled into their great-coats. The women stuffed bread and a bottle of rakia into their torbitzas.

It is all we can do to arouse a sentiment to the effect that something ought to be done. In these critical times we must mobilize for action in this direction with as much speed at least as we show in developing an army and navy, slow though we are in that.

She despatched to Pyong-yang an envoy named Chen Weiching known in Japanese history as Chin Ikei who was instructed not to conclude peace but only to make such overtures as might induce the Japanese to agree to an armistice, thus enabling the Chinese authorities to mobilize a sufficient force. Konishi Yukinaga fell into this trap.

And when President Wilson, in response to Republican criticism of the war organization, gave him real power to mobilize American industry, the Republicans applauded the bestowal of authority as constructive and took credit to themselves for accomplishing it.