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Many of the northern Indians would refrain from killing the wolf or the glutton, or if they did so, or did it by accident, they would refuse to skin the animal. The elder people amongst the Athapaskan Indians, in Hearne's day, would reprove the young folk for "speaking disrespectfully" of different beasts and birds.

People of Hearne's way of thinking, people who respect antiquity, protest in vain, and, like Hearne, must be content sadly to enjoy what is left of grace and dignity. He died before Oxford had quite become the Oxford of Gibbon's autobiography. Oxford has usually been described either by her lovers or her malcontents. She has suffered the extremes of filial ingratitude and affection.

He was appointed janitor in 1701, and sub-librarian in 1712, but in 1716, when an Act of Parliament came into operation which imposed a fine of £500 upon anyone who held any public office without taking the oath of allegiance to the Hanoverians, Hearne's office was taken away from him; but he shared with his King over the water the satisfaction of accounting himself still de jure, and though he lived till 1735, he never failed each half-year to enter his salary and fees as sub-librarian as being still unpaid.

I am, however, inclined to believe that Mrs. Hearne's cake had quite as much to do with the matter as insufficient nourishment.

Hearne's guide declared that it would be impossible to reach the Coppermine that season, and that they must spend a winter in the Indian country. The truth was that Hearne's followers had no intention of going farther to the north, but preferred to keep company with the bands of hunters. It was useless for Hearne to protest.

We travelled for some time in silence; at last we fell into discourse. "You have been in Wales, Mr. Petulengro?" "Ay, truly, brother." "What have you been doing there?" "Assisting at a funeral." "At whose funeral?" "Mrs. Hearne's, brother." "Is she dead, then?" "As a nail, brother." "How did she die?" "By hanging, brother." "I am lost in astonishment," said I; whereupon Mr.

"Why, then, it only remains for me to give you my best advice and assistance in the object of your pursuit. I have myself published two essays in the Antiquarian Repository, and therefore am an author of experience, There was my Remarks on Hearne's edition of Robert of Gloucester, signed Scrutator; and the other signed Indagator, upon a passage in Tacitus.

We have had enough, perhaps, of Oxford politics, which were not much more prejudiced in the days of the Duke than in those of Mr. Gladstone. Hearne's allusions to the contemporary state of buildings and of college manners are often rather instructive. In All Souls the Whigs had a feast on the day of King Charles's martyrdom.

See also Horace T. Martin's recent work, Castorologia, or the History and Traditions of the Canadian Beaver, 1892; in an appendix to this work will be found Samuel Hearne's classical account of the Beaver, written nearly two hundred years ago, and free from the many exaggerations and superstitions which have grown up around this animal.

The Adventures of Hearne in his Search for the Coppermine River and the Northwest Passage Hilarious Life of Wassail led by Governor Norton The Massacre of the Eskimo by Hearne's Indians North of the Arctic Circle Discovery of the Athabasca Country Hearne becomes Resident Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company, but is captured by the French Frightful Death of Norton and Suicide of Matonabbee