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Its present secretary leans towards a favourable judgment of the recent improvements in the policy of the Transvaal, and condemns severely every act on the part of the English which does not accord with the principles of our Constitutional Law, and therefore this statement will not be regarded as the statement of a partisan: "It is laid down as a fundamental principle in the Transvaal Grondwet that there is no equality of rights between white men and blacks.

No person who is not considered as a white inhabitant of the South African Republic shall obtain the franchise, in accordance with Article 9 of the Grondwet. All laws and provisions, in so far as they are in conflict with this Law, are hereby repealed. This Law comes into force immediately after publication in the Staats Courant. S.J.P. KRUGER, State President. F.W. REITZ, State Secretary.

The membership of the Executive is expressly defined by the Grondwet; but his Honour is not trammelled by such considerations. He created the position of Minute Keeper to the Executive with a handsome salary and a right to vote, and bestowed this upon his worthy henchman.

The President's intention becoming known to Raad members, the strongest possible objection was expressed to this course as being wholly unconstitutional and in direct conflict with the Grondwet; the President in the first place having no right to add to the number of Executive members and no authority for appointing any person to fill a vacancy if there were one.

I have stated plainly what our grievances are, and I shall answer with equal directness the question, 'What do we want? We want: the establishment of this Republic as a true Republic; a Grondwet or Constitution which shall be framed by competent persons selected by representatives of the whole people and framed on lines laid down by them a Constitution which shall be safe-guarded against hasty alteration; an equitable franchise law, and fair representation; equality of the Dutch and English languages; responsibility of the Legislature to the heads of the great departments; removal of religious disabilities; independence of the courts of justice, with adequate and secured remuneration of the judges; liberal and comprehensive education; efficient civil service, with adequate provision for pay and pension; free trade in South African products.

This enactment was only passed after several persons had signified their intention to sue the Government. The Raad was in fact becoming familiar with the process of tampering with the Grondwet and members appeared ready to act on the dictates of their own sweet will without regard to consequences or laws.

He has given us some details of the working out especially as regards the natives of the principles of the Grondwet or Constitution of the Transvaal. To us English, the most astonishing feature, to begin with, of this Constitution, is that it places the power of the Judiciary below that of the Raad or Legislative Body.

It is, however, necessary, in order to comply with the "Grondwet" of this Republic and otherwise, that, before any steps are taken in that direction, the condition of our country and our cause be brought to the notice of His Honour, State President Kruger, in Europe; and I therefore wish to send two persons to him in order to acquaint him fully with that condition.

Article 9 of the Grondwet is not only adhered to, but is exaggerated in its application as follows: "The people shall not permit any equality of coloured persons with white inhabitants, neither in the Church, nor in the State." "These principles" says Mr.

Numbers of prospectors pegged out claims notwithstanding this, and the prospect of legal difficulties being imminent the Government submitted a measure to the Volksraad, passed also in defiance of Grondwet provisions, which was broadly to the effect that all persons who considered that they had claims for damages against the Government in regard to the farm Witfontein and the proclamation thereof, had none, and that the Government was absolved from all liability in this respect.