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We have many other promises, which must now be recalled to the minds of those who made them. But from no one have we received such generous support as from your kinswoman." They were standing apart, and in a few minutes the Marquis de Gemosac joined them. "How daring! how audacious!" he whispered, "and yet how opportune this return.

The journey lasted nearly two months, and before they passed north of the Loire at Nantes and quitted the wine country, the vintage was over. "We must say that we are cider merchants, that is all," observed Dormer Colville, when they crossed the river, which has always been the great divider of France. "He is sobering down. I believe he will become serious," wrote he to the Marquis de Gemosac.

Monsieur de Gemosac was so absorbed in his reflections that he seemed to forget his surroundings and stood above the grave, pointed out to him by River Andrew, oblivious to the cold wind that blew in from the sea, deaf to the clink of the sexton's inviting keys, forgetful of his companion who stood patiently waiting within the porch.

"Monsieur l'Abbe," she said, shortly a salutation and a comment in one; for it conveyed the fact that she saw it was he and perceived that he was in his usual health. "It is news from Monsieur, I suppose," she added, slowly, turning down her sleeves. "Yes, the Marquis writes that he is on his way to Gemosac and wishes you to prepare the chateau for his return."

Much more restful than acting in it as my friend de Gemosac has done all his life, as I myself have done in a small way. For France takes her history so much more violently than you do in England. France is tossed about by it, while England stands and is hammered on the anvil of Time, as it were, and remains just the same shape as before." He broke off and turned to Sep.

"It is true enough, monsieur," answered Juliette, in her low-pitched voice of the south, and with a light of anticipation in her eye; for it was dull enough at Gemosac, all alone in this empty chateau. "But how am I to reach Bordeaux?" "Your father did not specify the route or method. He seemed to leave that to you, mademoiselle.

Many a whole lifetime has slipped away in such occupations; for history, already inexhaustible, grows in bulk day by day. Marvin was happier than he had ever been, for a great absorption is one of Heaven's kindest gifts. For Barebone, France and his quest there, the Marquis de Gemosac, Dormer Colville, Juliette, lapsed into a sort of dream, while Farlingford remained a quiet reality.

And those who had come to the Hotel Gemosac to confirm their adoption of a figure-head went away with the startling knowledge in their hearts that they had never in the course of an artificial life met a man less suited to play that undignified part.

And remember he speaks French as well as English, though, being British, he pretends that he cannot." Monsieur de Gemosac turned to peer at his companion in the darkness. "You speak hopefully, my friend," he said. "There is something in your voice " "Is there?" laughed Colville, who seemed elated. "There may well be.

"Ah! you may laugh," Miriam said, lightly, "but it is serious enough. You will find circumstances too strong for you. You will have to go to France to claim your heritage." "Not I, if it means leaving Farlingford for ever and going to live among strange people, like the Marquis de Gemosac, for instance, who gives me the impression of a thousand petty ceremonies and a million futile memories."