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For is not adhesiveness, faithfulness, constancy call it what you will at the root of all citizenship, clanship, and family love? Is it not the same feeling which, granting they remain at all, makes old friendships dearer than any new?

It is, I fear, certain that Baha-'ullah is correct, and that Ṣubḥ-i-Ezel did attempt to poison his brother, who was desperately ill for twenty-two days. Another attempt on the life of the much-loved Master was prevented, it is said, by the faithfulness of the bath-servant.

"Now much do I thank whatever god has moved you to open speech," he said, "for with every fibre of my body have I long wanted to requite you for that faithfulness. Knowing that you were coming to-night to ask it, I have the reward ready. Never was recompense given with a better will."

This made me take a resolution that he should have seemed angry with me at my return out of Ireland, until I had brought him into a posture and power to own his commands, to make good his instructions, and to reward my faithfulness and zeal therein. "Your lordship may well wonder, and the king too, at the amplitude of my commission.

She has been dreadfully disappointed and it has made things hard for all of us." "Teresa Peterson to play Penelope! Who says I made any such suggestion, Dorothy? Teresa looks more like a pretty doll than the model of Greek faithfulness and propriety." Dorothy looked puzzled. "Teresa told me herself, Lance.

This is our God, the God of the Bible, the God of the Church, the God who has revealed himself in Jesus Christ our Lord. And him we can believe utterly, for we know that he is faithful and true; and we know what THAT means, if there is any truth or faithfulness in us. We know that he is just and righteous; and we know what THAT means, if there is any justice and uprightness in ourselves.

'The Court ought to reward your faithfulness. 'So I thought once, but it is more likely to reward our resistance in its own fashion if its triumph be once secured, he answered. 'Ah, Madame, are visions of hope for one's country mere madness?

Those who liked sedateness, solidity, sincerity, the commoner virtues of faithfulness and effort, admired Angela. All saw that she was a faithful handmaiden to her husband, that she adored the ground he walked on. "Such a nice little woman so homelike. It's curious that he should have married her, though, isn't it? They are so different. And yet they appear to have lots of things in common, too.

The truth is, that you yourself are a very learned little body, who has no need at all to learn anything from others, but who would be well able to instruct others." "Oh, if it is so, as you say," cried Catharine, "well, then would I teach the whole world to love my king as I do, and to be subject to him in humility, faithfulness, and obedience, as I am."

As to the seventh commandment, any breach of it was considered scandalous in women and as something to be avoided in self-respecting men; but, among unmarried and widowed people, chastity was held very cheap. Nevertheless the women were extremely well treated, and often showed themselves capable of great devotion and entire faithfulness.