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They told me of it. The governor told me about Mr. Seely, and made me write the letter. 'That would not be evidence, said Sir John. 'Heavens on earth! I tell you I was struck all on a heap when I heard it, just as much as if they had said he'd been hung for murder. You put Crinkett and me together and then you'll know.

Crinkett, and Mick Maggott, arousing herself quite to enthusiasm when he came to the finding of the gold. But there was not a word said the whole day as to their future combined prospects. Nor was there any more outspoken allusion to loves and darlings, or any repetition of that throwing herself into his arms. For once it was natural.

'Well, my mates, what can I do for you? he said, still remaining on his side, and apparently intending that they should remain on theirs. Then Caldigate brought forth his letter, and handed it to the owner of the place across the top of the gate. 'I think Mr. Jones wrote to you about us before, said Caldigate. Crinkett read the letter very deliberately.

'Of course you've heard of the "Old Stick-in-the-Mud"? Dick told him that they had heard of that very successful mining enterprise since their arrival at Nobble. 'You ask on the veranda at Melbourne, or at Ballarat, or at Sydney. If they don't tell you about it, my name's not Crinkett. You put your money, what you've got, into ten-shilling shares.

'Mother Henniker can tell you that, or any other publican round the country. It never will stick to me. I don't know why, but it never will. I've had my luck, too. Oh, laws! I might have had my house, just as grand as Polly Hooker this moment, only I never could stick to it like Tom Crinkett. I've drank cham paign out of buckets; I have.

Any one learned in the matter would immediately have known the real miner. 'Now if you like to see a mine we will go down, and then you can do as you like about your money. They started forth, Crinkett leading the way, and entered the engine-house.

Crinkett, begging that the matter might be for a time postponed. This, of course, was out of the question. His terms had been accepted, which might have gone for very little had not the money been forthcoming. But the cash was positively in his hands. Who ever heard of a man 'postponing' an arrangement in such circumstances? Let them do what they might with Polyeuka, he was safe!

'Who wants Mick Maggott? Then Caldigate explained the recommendation which Mr. Crinkett had made. 'Well; I'm darned; Mick Maggott? I'm Mick Maggott, myself. Before the evening was over an arrangement had been made between the parties, and had even been written on paper and signed by all the three.

Gray, the reasons which induce me to pay to you, Timothy Crinkett, and to you, Euphemia Smith, the large sum of twenty thousand pounds. The nature of our transactions has been such that I feel bound in honour to repay so much of the price you paid for the Polyeuka mine. 'All right, Caldigate; all right, said Crinkett.

It was at last decided that two messages should be sent by Caldigate, one to Crinkett and the other to Mrs. Smith, and each in the same words. 'No money will be sent you on behalf of the Polyeuka mine, and that this should be all. Any letter, Robert Bolton thought, would be inexpedient. Then they parted, and the two messages were at once sent. After a day or two Caldigate recovered his spirits.