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Casinos were not invented: clubs were rather rare luxuries: there were sanded floors, triangular sawdust-boxes, pipes, and tavern parlours. Young Smith and Brown, from the Temple, did not go from chambers to dine at the Polyanthus, or the Megatherium, off potage a la Bisque, turbot au gratin, cotelettes a la What-do-you-call-'em, and a pint of St.

An experiment with a wide speaking-tube, similar to those through which a waiter in a Soho restaurant demands côtelettes milanèses from an underground kitchen, had proved that the engine's roar was too loud for distinct transmission by this means.

Ha! this is the "carte." "Allons faire petit souper." "Cotelettes d'Agneau." "Maionnaise d'homard." "Perdreaux rouges aux truffes mark that, aux truffes." "Gelee au maraschin." "And the wine, sir," said the waiter, with a look of approval at my selection, "Champagne no other wine, sir?" "No," said I, "Champagne only.

And scarce a mile away from the scene of all these loathsome and degrading sights, sounds, and odors, you might have found fastidious and courtly gentlemen, and ladies all belaced and bejewelled, sentimentalising over their "aspic de foie gras," or their "cotelettes a la jardiniere," or some other euphemism for the dead flesh which could not, without pardonable breach of good breeding, be called by its plain true name in their presence.

Ha! this is the "carte." "Allons faire petit souper." "Cotelettes d'Agneau." "Maionnaise d'homard." "Perdreaux rouges aux truffes mark that, aux truffes." "Gelee au maraschin." "And the wine, sir," said the waiter, with a look of approval at my selection, "Champagne no other wine, sir?" "No," said I, "Champagne only.

He is as keen about the good things of the table as he is about art; in fact, he is a great epicure. As he thought well of the menu, I will copy it for you: Consomme en tasses. Oeufs au fromage a l'Italienne. Petites truites. Cailles au riz. Cotelettes de veau grillees. Viande froide, salade. Brioches a la vanille, fruits, dessert, cafe....

Esther would have managed pretty well if it had not been for the dining-room lunch. Miss Mary was expecting some friends to play tennis with her, and, besides the roast chicken, there were the cotelettes a la Soubise and a curry. There was for dessert a jelly and a blancmange, and Esther did not know where any of the things were, and a great deal of time was wasted.

Villiers de L'Isle Adam, who had once been Ninon's lover, answered the reproaches levelled against him for having accepted too largely of her hospitality with, "Que de bruit pour quelques cotelettes!" and his transgressions were forgiven him for the sake of the mot which seemed to summarise the moral endeavour and difficulties of the entire quarter.

Probably the delicate cotelettes of France are not flopped down into half-melted grease, there gradually to warm and soak and fizzle, while Biddy goes in and out on her other ministrations, till finally, when they are thoroughly saturated, and dinner-hour impends, she bethinks herself, and crowds the fire below to a roaring heat, and finishes the process by a smart burn, involving the kitchen and surrounding precincts in volumes of Stygian gloom.

The wild buffalo is not even skinned when shot; he is simply opened for his marrow-bones, his tail is cut off for soup, his brains taken out for cotelettes, and his tongue salted. The beast himself, hide and all, is left as food for the jackal. The wandering native picks up his horns, which find their way to the English market; but the "hide," the only really valuable portion, is neglected.