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Ah, well, more fool I more fool I. `Contentus esto, Paule mi, lasciva, Paule, pagina," he muttered to himself, and drummed nervously with his fingers on the table. Westray was apprehensive of these fits of excitement, and led the conversation back to the old theme.

For the series of infinitives, cf. notes, 5: nosci, etc.; G. 30: praeponere, etc. Nec poena contentus esse. Nor was he always content with punishment, but oftener with repentance. Mere punishment without reformation did not satisfy him; reformation without punishment satisfied him better. See Doed. in loc. Here too some have called in the aid of zeugma. Auctionem. Al. exactionem.

He thirsted for renown, but he did not confound renown with vogue. A poet has his choice between the many and the few; Milton chose the few. "Paucis hujusmodi lectoribus contentus," is his own inscription in a copy of his pamphlets sent by him to Patrick Young. He derived a stern satisfaction from the reprobation with which the vulgar visited him.

Contentus videlicet vita libera, remota a turbis, studiisque porro percolendis unice impensa, ubi non cogeretur alia dicere et simulare, alia sentire et dissimulare: affectuum studiis rapi, regi.

PARVO CONTENTUS, in the meanwhile, I hear my pupils parse and construe, worshipful sir, and drive away my time with the aid of the Muses.

Thereupon I answered that he himself had violated one of them, but that he had violated it grandly. "Which is that?" "You do not write, 'Contentus paucis lectoribus'." "If Horace had had to combat the hydra-headed monster of superstition, he would have written as I have written for all the world." "It seems to me that you might spare yourself the trouble of combating what you will never destroy."

"Alter Amazoniam pharetram, plenamque sagittis Threiciis, lato quam circumplectitur auro Balteus, et tereti subnectit fibula gemma." "Tertius Argolico hoc clypeo contentus abito."

Mane, piger, stertis: surge, inquit Avaritia; eja Surge. Negas, Instat, surge inquit. Non queo. Surge. Et quid agam? Rogitas? Saperdas advehe Ponto, Castoreum, stuppas, hebenum, thus, lubrica Coa. Tolle recens primus piper e siliente camelo. Verte aliquid; jura. Sed Jupiter Audiet. Eheu! Baro, regustatum digito terebrare salinum Contentus perages, si vivere cum Jove tendis.

Caxton, a book which is in Latin what Goody Two-Shoes is in the vernacular!" "Fie! Austin I I am sure you can construe Phaedrus, dear!" Pisistratus prudently preserves silence. MR. CAXTON. "I'll try him "'Sua cuique quum sit animi cogitatio Colurque proprius. "What does that mean?" "His own novel," interrupted my father. "/Contentus peragis!/"

QUOD ... CONTENTUS: this passage with the whole context resembles Lucretius 3, 931-977; cf. especially 938 cur non ut plenus vitae conviva recedis; 960 satur ac plenus discedere rerum. Cf. also Hor. Sat. 1, 1, 117-118. UT PLACEAT: 'in order to secure approval'. PERAGENDA: cf. n. on 50 comparandae.